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Google brings key parts of its Android stack to ChromeOS, accelerating the addition of AI

Google brings key parts of its Android stack to ChromeOS, accelerating the addition of AI


Google today announced that it is bringing key parts of its Android software stack to ChromeOS in an effort to accelerate the introduction of AI capabilities to the desktop platform.

“With our recent announcements about new features powered by Google AI and Gemini, Chromebooks now give us the opportunity to give even more people powerful tools to assist them with everyday tasks,” Google's Prajakta Gudadhe and Alexander Kuscher wrote in a new post on the ChromeOS Dev blog. “To continue rolling out new Google AI features to our users even faster and at scale, we'll be adopting parts of the Android stack, like the Android Linux kernel and Android framework, as part of the foundation of ChromeOS.”

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According to Google, the two platforms were already moving closer together with the addition of Android app support to ChromeOS a few years ago and, more recently, the implementation of Android's Bluetooth stack in ChromeOS 122.

This latter update hints at the challenge Google is trying to solve with ChromeOS: the platform, like the Linux foundation it's built on, is still relatively unknown to peripheral manufacturers, so switching to the Android Bluetooth stack could open up millions of new accessories for Chromebooks. (And for all you Linux fans, Google says it's open-sourcing this work to let Linux distributions better take advantage of Bluetooth devices, too.)

Generally speaking, the benefits of combining ChromeOS and Android are clear, and it's surprising that Google hasn't moved in this direction before. The change will allow the company to simplify engineering and accelerate the introduction of new AI features to both platforms, while allowing devices like smartphones and accessories to work better with Chromebooks. Google also promises that it will continue to deliver “the unparalleled security, consistent look and feel, and extensive manageability that ChromeOS users, businesses, and schools love.”

But this change won't happen overnight. Google says that improvements it makes to its integrated technology stack will take “some time” to be available to consumers and organizations. When that time comes, it expects the transition to be seamless. In the meantime, the usual software update schedule will continue.

“Chromebooks continue to deliver amazing experiences to millions of customers, users, developers and partners around the world,” they conclude. “We've never been more excited about the future of ChromeOS.”




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