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Hard Tech Corridor Born with Leadership from Purdue University and Partners | Local News

Hard Tech Corridor Born with Leadership from Purdue University and Partners | Local News


From the Discovery Park district in West Lafayette to the heart of downtown Indianapolis, America's hard tech corridors continue to take shape under Purdue University's leadership. As hard tech ecosystems at smart crossroads in the country, hard tech corridors are shaped by discovery, built by innovation and driven by job and workforce co-creation to unlock limitless potential for business and talent.

The southern terminus of the 65-mile section will feature Purdue University in Indianapolis, Purdue's first integrated urban campus, which will officially open July 1. Together, Purdue University and Indianapolis will stimulate intellectual growth in Indiana and work with industry partners to generate workforce, jobs, economic growth and innovation.

Purdue University recently announced the construction of a Materials and Manufacturing Research Laboratory (MMRL) facility at 16 Tech Innovation District in Indianapolis as part of its new footprint in the state’s capital. The facility, which will accelerate manufacturing excellence and opportunity and wealth creation in the state, builds on Purdue’s existing manufacturing initiatives, including the Indiana Next Generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC), a joint venture between Purdue University in Indianapolis and MMRL in West Lafayette, and Excellence in Manufacturing and Operations (XMO). Together, MMRL and XMO are key components of a domestic manufacturing, logistics and supply chain renaissance that will revitalize the nation’s industrial resilience by connecting physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing for an integrated ecosystem of manufacturers of all sizes. With a foothold in the state’s industrial heartland, MMRL will have a strong workforce development component and intentional technology adoption efforts to ensure critical job creation and regional impact while maintaining national security.

Among the multiple sectors growing at the other end of the hard tech corridor, in both the Discovery Park District and Purdue Research Park, is SK Hynix. The company announced plans in April to invest approximately $4 billion to build an advanced packaging manufacturing and research and development facility for AI products at Purdue Research Park. The development of a critical link in the U.S. semiconductor supply chain in West Lafayette marks a major step forward for the industry and the state, and reaffirms Indiana's role in the hard tech sector. The new facility will include an advanced semiconductor packaging manufacturing line that will mass-produce next-generation high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, a key component of the graphics processing units that train AI systems such as ChatGPT.

Meanwhile, a critical rare earth element technology developed by Purdue University, in partnership with central Indiana-based ReElement Technologies, is filling a growing need for domestic production of rare earth elements (REEs), a key component in semiconductor manufacturing. Developed by Nien-Hwa Linda Wang, the Norman and Jane Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University, the technology utilizes ligand-assisted chromatography to separate and purify rare earth elements and other critical elements from coal, coal by-products, ores, recycled permanent magnets and lithium-ion batteries. This Purdue technology has enabled ReElement Technologies to develop and build a much-needed domestic supply chain of environmentally safe critical materials, making this capability available to U.S. producers of recycled and ore-derived rare earth metals.

In Lebanon's fast-growing LEAP district, Purdue University is an education partner of Eli Lilly and Company, where the Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company is investing $9 billion. With the district at the geographic center of the Hard Tech Corridor, Purdue and Lilly are collaborating to develop new curriculum for pharmaceutical training, experiential learning and certificate and degree programs in pharmaceutical manufacturing to contribute to the growth of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Indiana. The collaboration will expand Purdue's talent pipeline to the company through students supported by the Lilly Scholars Program, which allows Boilermaker students to earn pharmaceutical manufacturing scholarships and gain unique learning opportunities with Lilly, one of the world's most innovative pharmaceutical leaders.

Less than a mile from Lillies' headquarters, Purdue University announced the creation of the One Health Innovation District in collaboration with Elanco Animal Health. A new shared facility on three acres on the west edge of the White River in Indianapolis, One Health Innovation District will include offices, wet labs and incubator space designed to bring industry and academia together to realize and scale innovation. It will be an addition to Elanco Animal Health's nearly completed 220,000 square foot headquarters building and is scheduled to open in the second quarter of 2025. The state-of-the-art facility will bring together one of the nation's leading companies and Purdue, the state's top public university, to advance human health, animal health and plant health.

The next generation of Purdue motorsports engineers will hone their skills at the U.S. headquarters of Dallara, Italy's largest multinational race car manufacturer, located just steps from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The new facility will include classroom, hands-on training and diagnostic testing space for the boilermaker's students, who are studying in the only ABET-accredited motorsports engineering undergraduate program in the U.S. Many Purdue graduates from the Indianapolis program have gone on to careers with motorsports manufacturers such as Dallara and series such as IndyCar, the International Motorsports Association and the National Hot Rod Association, many of which have teams based in central Indiana.

Purdue is also expanding into downtown Indianapolis' trendy Bottleworks District through an innovative collaboration with industry-leading venture studio High Alpha. The Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. School of Business Executive Education and several Purdue Innovates programs will be housed at High Alpha, furthering Purdue's commitment to creating entrepreneurial opportunities in the nation's capital, launching startups and connecting talent with industry.

From Indianapolis to West Lafayette, between Purdue and its industry partners, the world's most creative and innovative minds are coming together in the Hard Tech Corridor to transform the nation's most pressing challenges into cutting-edge jobs, talent and knowledge. From transportation and aerospace to semiconductors and pharmaceutical manufacturing, Purdue is powering the Hard Tech Corridor for the state's future.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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