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From track to tech: EPOS and Aston Martin join forces to drive innovation in F1

From track to tech: EPOS and Aston Martin join forces to drive innovation in F1


In the high-octane world of F1, precision, communication and technological innovation are paramount. EPOS, a leader in premium audio solutions, has partnered with the Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant F1 Team since 2021, creating a synergy that showcases technical excellence and continuous improvement. As an F1 enthusiast and journalist, I had the opportunity to find out more about this partnership with Dorthe Krogh Jensen, Chief Marketing Officer at EPOS.

Initially focused on improving team performance through superior audio solutions, the collaboration has evolved to deliver significant advancements for both organisations. EPOS's cutting-edge noise-cancelling technology, represented by the COMMAND HME110 C3 headset, plays a vital role in enabling seamless communication and effective decision-making in the high-pressure environment of F1. Deployed in Aston Martin Mission Control, these headsets provide race engineers and strategists with unparalleled clarity, enabling them to make faster, more informed decisions more efficiently.

Throughout our conversation, it was clear that EPOS innovations are not only enhancing communication, but also pushing the boundaries of what's possible in motorsport. This partnership highlights the vital role technological advancements play in F1, where every millisecond counts and clear communication can mean the difference between victory and defeat. As EPOS and Aston Martin continue to innovate together, their journey provides a fascinating glimpse into the future of audio technology in competitive racing.

PD: How has the partnership between EPOS and Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant F1Team evolved since its launch in 2021?

Dorte Krogh Jensen: The synergy between EPOS's cutting-edge audio solutions and Aston Martin's advanced manufacturing techniques is a great example of a partnership that leverages technological advantages to drive development and innovation for both organizations. Since launching in 2021, the relationship between EPOS and Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant F1 Team has evolved exponentially, enhancing brand value and generating new business opportunities.

Initially focused on enhancing team performance and communication through high-quality audio solutions, our collaboration has expanded into more advanced technical developments. EPOS has seamlessly integrated superior audio technology into the team's workflow, enabling more effective and clearer communication – a crucial skill in the fast-paced world of F1.

“We are proud of what we have achieved together so far and look forward to continuing to innovate and drive success in our partnership with Aston Martin. Together, we will strengthen our brands and push the boundaries of what is possible in our respective industries.”

PD: How does the noise cancelling feature in the EPOS headset improve communication and decision-making in high pressure situations like F1?

Dorte Krogh Jensen: EPOS headsets with noise cancelling capabilities significantly enhance communication and decision-making in high-pressure environments like F1. By effectively reducing background noise, these headsets ensure clear communication between team members, which is essential for precise execution and real-time strategy adjustments. The partnership between EPOS and Aston Martin highlights the importance of superior audio technology in such critical scenarios, where every millisecond and every second counts. The enhanced communication provided by noise cancelling headsets enables teams to stay focused, react quickly and make informed decisions even in high-pressure situations.

PD: What technical and communication advances does EPOS offer Aston Martin's racing engineers and strategists?

Dorte Krogh Jensen: The team is using EPOS' state-of-the-art COMMAND HME110 C3 headsets as the core of race operations in Mission Control at the new AMR Technology Campus in Silverstone, UK. Mission Control is the heart of team strategy, where key data is collected and analysed, and strategy recommendations are made and implemented. As Mission Control acts as the communications hub for multiple channels and teams working from different locations, time zones and environments, it is crucial that noise within Mission Control is effectively managed to ensure that vital information is relayed seamlessly. Designed to enable reliable communications even in critical situations with unique features such as superior speech intelligibility and active noise cancellation, the EPOS COMMAND HME110 C3 headsets enable Aston Martin's race engineers and strategists in Mission Control to act with unparalleled efficiency, clarity and precision.

Additionally, the AMF1 team is using the EPOS IMPACT 1000, whose industry-leading microphone performance ensures clear communication for optimal performance across all aspects of the organisation.




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