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MAD Architects installs cloverleaf roof for Beijing's ZGC Innovation Center

MAD Architects installs cloverleaf roof for Beijing's ZGC Innovation Center


ZGC International Innovation Center opens in Beijing

Ma Yansong of MAD Architects has completed the ZGC International Innovation Center in Beijing. Designed specifically as a permanent venue for the annual Zhongguancun Forum, the project spans approximately 65,000 square meters and features 17,000 square meters of green roof space. The site blends nature and history with modernity and technological advancements, and is located near historic landmarks such as Yuquan Mountain, Summer Palace, and Old Summer Palace, as well as prestigious universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University.

ZGC Forum is an international conference focusing on innovation and technology, held annually in the Zhongguancun area of ​​Haidian District, Beijing. Known as China's Silicon Valley, Zhongguancun is a major technology hub that brings together high-tech companies, startups and research institutes. Since its founding in 2007, ZGC Forum has focused on the core theme of “innovation and development” and has brought together domestic and international scientists, entrepreneurs and up-and-coming talents to share and discuss breakthrough ideas on a variety of topics. Over the years, it has evolved into a leading global platform for the future of high-tech innovation, exchange and cooperation.

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Mad Architects sculpts clover-like biomorphic form

Following the vision and context of the forum, Ma Yansong/MAD Architects (more here) developed the ZGC International Innovation Centre to foster a deep connection between humanity, the city and the environment. The centre blends into the urban landscape with an accessible green rooftop park filled with trees, gardens, walkways and architectural features that extend the surrounding gardens and hills, disappearing completely when viewed from the surrounding mountains.

The centre's biomorphic, cloverleaf-like form is characterised by a cantilevered roof featuring a soft, fluid shape. The floating form overhead provides shade, protection from the elements and a space for social interaction, reinforcing the connection between people and the architecture. Meanwhile, the transparent façade curtain wall is characterised by its lightness, transparency and fluidity, following the organic curves of the building's sculptural form. The hidden frame system and large glass panels facilitate a fluid transition between indoor and outdoor areas, creating a seamless integration with the surroundings.

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Simple interior with a futuristic feel

MAD designed a minimalist interior with clean lines to create an open, airy, and user-friendly environment to encourage interaction and engagement. ZGC International Innovation Center features two giant ETFE membrane skylights that flood the venue with natural light. The integrated lighting design includes adjustable color temperature lights that move along the building's curves and converge into a central lighting sculpture, creating a futuristic atmosphere. MAD laid out the function spaces in a zigzag pattern, with the main venue, banquet hall, and multi-function hall on the first floor as the main spaces for events. The program also includes a series of smaller meeting rooms and a VIP lounge on the basement floor to meet meeting needs of different sizes and privacy.

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Energy-efficient ZGC Innovation Center features a green roof

The building's roof is made of 2,769 fluororesin-coated, double-curved honeycomb aluminum panels. These panels are arranged in a pattern of varying densities to aid in rainwater collection. At night, lights hidden in the roof louvers synchronize with the roof lines to create a sense of movement and reflect the traffic on the city streets, further integrating into the urban landscape. The green roof acts as an extension of the nearby gardens and hills, creating a tranquil green landscape within the city.

The ZGC International Innovation Center's ventilation system is concealed beneath the suspended ceilings and concrete “veins” of the green roof, giving the building a clean, simple look. The use of lightweight soil and low-maintenance plants on the roof reduces the operational costs of the landscape while meeting roof load, appearance and quality requirements. The center also employs renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic systems and geothermal heat pumps, as well as secondary energy-efficient electromechanical devices to create zero-energy meeting rooms, reducing carbon emissions by more than 50% compared to surrounding public buildings.

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MAD's design respects the 12-meter height limit, and the building gently expands from north to south, blending into the surrounding environment. The center's cloverleaf-shaped design includes a variety of public spaces that connect with nature. Overhanging roofs and outdoor areas provide an urban public space that can be freely accessed and used. A historic tree preserved on the northeast side of the site is integrated into a sunken courtyard, providing a quiet space within the bustling city. Finally, the sunken garden design allows the underground meeting rooms and public spaces to be filled with natural light, looking and feeling like above-ground spaces. Design for Zhongguancun Forum's permanent location began in 2020, with construction breaking ground in August 2022. The Zhongguancun Forum's 14th Annual Meeting was held in the new center from April 25 to 29, 2024.

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