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What Apple's OpenAI deal means for Google: Morning Brief

What Apple's OpenAI deal means for Google: Morning Brief


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The relationship between rivals Apple and Google has become even more complicated now that Cupertino has unveiled its AI plans.

That's because the sometimes-gadget rivals have partnered on search and online advertising. But the alliance, which gained attention in a landmark antitrust lawsuit against Google's dominance of the search engine market, will come under new pressure as AI transforms the way people find information online.

For more than two decades, Apple has forced Google to be the default search engine for its Safari browser, driving traffic from its vast user base to Google's search business, and in exchange for the default privileges, Google pays the iPhone maker roughly $18 billion a year.

But to please investors, Apple is pursuing another deal: Enter Sam Altman.

Apple is partnering with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT to iPhones, part of a bold move to catch up with big tech rivals that are all-in on AI. Later this year, iPhone users will have free access to the chatbot, which will work with Siri and other apps to give people access to a treasure trove of knowledge and give OpenAI a ticket to bring AI technology into the mainstream.

Apple's iPhones with increasingly powerful versions of ChatGPT will reduce the need to use Google Search, and even the significant impact of its default status may have little impact on the future of search traffic if a significant number of users interact with the web primarily through Siri rather than the search bar.

Apple's partnership with OpenAI comes at a pivotal time for Google's own AI venture.

The search giant recently launched a new feature, “AI Overviews,” which provides users with concise answers to their search queries without them having to click across the web. However, Overviews, along with its previous image generation tool, came under almost immediate criticism as users found the AI ​​feature to be churning out a lot of irrational or inaccurate information.

The troubled debut set in motion a pattern of failed releases, and Google's rush to plant the AI ​​flag was widely seen as a reflection of mismanagement and weak strategy. But deeper issues were at play.

If chatbots and other software powered by large language models (LLMs) are as transformative as tech executives claim, the search business is set to be significantly disrupted.

Every new deal that OpenAI makes with media and tech companies can be seen as an attempt to bolster search alternatives and divert attention from the Google empire.

The story continues

Of course, Apple could continue to partner with Google, and eventually adopt Google's Gemini set of generative AI models while continuing to develop its AI tech in-house.

Apple's collaboration with OpenAI doesn't eclipse its longstanding alliance with Google, but it does put a new twist on the relationship between the two companies, and in this early phase of a new tech paradigm, we may have a new set of defaults on the way.

Morning simple image

Hamza Shaban is a markets and economics reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow Hamza on Twitter @hshaban.

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