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3 companies looking to hire Canadian engineers with cloud experience

3 companies looking to hire Canadian engineers with cloud experience


Intelliware, Ripple and Accenture offer career opportunities for cloud experts.

Artificial intelligence may dominate the technology discussion today, but according to Ntirety CEO Emil Sayegh, cloud computing remains the great equalizer for both startups and large enterprises.

Currently, 96 percent of businesses use public cloud services such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure, and a recent survey found that more than half of companies surveyed consider cloud systems to be essential for their digital operations.

With this wide range of hiring, it's no surprise that companies are seeking technologists with cloud expertise. Here are three companies seeking Canadian technologists with cloud computing experience. Check out all organizations hiring on Jobs.BetaKit to find even more opportunities.


Intelliware, a Toronto based software development company, is looking for a Data Engineer who brings technical, software and cloud engineering experience to the team. This role will include designing high quality, scalable and extensible data pipelines and architectures, as well as providing expert guidance on data modeling, analysis, visualization and implementation of data solutions.

Candidates should have experience with Azure Cloud Data Services or AWS Cloud Data Services as well as experience using Snowflake, Databricks and/or Apache Spark. This role also requires deep knowledge of data management, analytics, business intelligence and related technologies.

Learn more about this position on the Intelliwares job board.


San Francisco-based cryptocurrency company Ripple is looking for a Principal Engineer to strengthen its Toronto team. The role will include defining future system architecture and establishing engineering best practices. The selected candidate will also play a key role in defining and driving Ripple's Payments at 10X roadmap.

The ideal candidate should have at least 12 years of experience in designing and developing complex distributed systems. Expertise in both private and public cloud, specifically Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, is a must.

Ripple offers flexible work options, allowing employees to choose to work from home, the office, or both. The role also includes two quarterly R&R days and wellness benefits, including gym memberships, aimed at promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Ripple has many more positions available on its job board here.


Professional services firm Accenture is looking for a Java API Developer to join its Intelligence Engineering Services team in Toronto. The division focuses on helping clients adopt disruptive technologies, refining technical architectures, and providing specialized skills in integration, custom software engineering, testing, application modernization, and agile methodologies.

This role involves designing and developing microservices and APIs using Java, Spring Boot and Azure. Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of cloud computing experience (ideally with Microsoft Azure) and 5 years of Java development experience. Demonstrated expertise in cloud computing and microservices architectures is required.

This position requires you to be on-site at a client location in Toronto at least 2-3 days per week. Accenture also offers career mentorship opportunities and the chance to participate in corporate citizenship activities.

Accenture has many more roles available on our job board here.

Feature image provided by Unsplash.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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