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Pentagon show showcases cutting-edge manufacturing techniques > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

Pentagon show showcases cutting-edge manufacturing techniques > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


Department of Defense officials toured military technologies at the third annual Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology Program Pentagon Day Exhibit on June 4, 2024, including critical materials made from flowers, heat exchangers that help keep military assets on base longer, and environmentally friendly explosives that help keep American troops safe.

The event showcased advanced manufacturing technology projects being pursued by the ManTech program to enhance the Department of Defense's ability to deter and defeat adversaries.

The program is comprised of investment programs run by the Air Force, Army, Navy, Defense Logistics Agency, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

In addition to seeing the technology first-hand, attendees also learned about ManTech's mission, which aims to keep service members safe and enable the Department of Defense to deter and defeat aspiring adversaries through maturation of technology that supports the needs of the joint force in both tactical and operational settings.

All three of the OSD ManTech investment portfolios – the Manufacturing Science and Technology Program, the Department of Defense Manufacturing Innovation Institute and the Manufacturing Education and Workforce Development Program – participated in the event along with the military and defense agency ManTech programs that make up the Integrated Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel.

“The ManTech program is critical in scaling technology from lab innovations to real-world military applications,” said Tracy Frost, program director for ManTech. “Our mission is to reduce defense system acquisition and support costs and shorten manufacturing and repair cycle times.”

This year's event highlighted how the program supports agility and rapid modernization capabilities to support long-term strategic advancements and urgent modernization projects.

Leaders from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Technology, including Heidi Hsu, OUSD (R&E) and April Erickson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology, toured the exhibit with Frost and other ManTech leaders.

Featured exhibits include a heat exchanger from MII America Makes that employs additive manufacturing techniques to improve cooling efficiency and design flexibility for military engine parts, helping to extend the operational life of vehicles and other assets. Another item is a rocket nozzle developed using new additive manufacturing techniques and specialized materials that enable supply chain flexibility.

BioMADE features rubber made from dandelions, promising to increase sustainability and reduce carbon emissions in addition to reliance on imports.

“MII is a public-private partnership supporting a variety of technology areas, including additive manufacturing and photonics,” Frost said. “By bringing together public, private and academic stakeholders, we can move more quickly and efficiently to benefit the U.S. military.”

Other technologies on display included JDMTP's 6T battery technology, an Army ManTech innovation, which revolutionizes ground vehicle energy systems by improving the reliability, life and performance of lithium batteries. The Army ManTech team also displayed DBX1 Green Energetics, an environmentally friendly explosive that improves the safety and performance of military weapons.

Xu, who as the Defense Department's chief technology officer has made it a priority to create an ecosystem where members can work together to build integrated defense capabilities, said bringing innovators together to showcase their work is especially important for leaders to understand the opportunities available to them at the Pentagon.

“We cannot do it alone,” she said. “The innovation I saw demonstrated the depth and breadth of the Defense Department we need to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. DoD ManTech's ability to bring together so many experts from multiple disciplines to work as a team is exactly what keeps America safe and our domestic manufacturing base revitalized.”

Please see the attached DOD ManTech Pentagon Demos PDF for more details on the features showcased.




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