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Robots boosting vegetable growing techniques

Robots boosting vegetable growing techniques


Australian vegetable growers will gain a competitive advantage through exclusive trial use of cutting-edge global machinery under a ground-breaking new program.

This $4.1 million initiative will accelerate the adoption of advanced mechanisation technologies in Australia's vegetable industry, reducing the industry's high input costs and labour challenges that impact grower profitability.

The program will be delivered by Hort Innovation and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) in partnership with the Global Organization for Agricultural Robotics (GOFAR), which leads the International Forum for Agricultural Robotics (FIRA).

Hort Innovation chief executive Brett Fifield said adopting the latest technology was vital to keeping Australia's horticulture industry competitive.

“Hort Innovation is committed to leading world-class innovation in the horticulture sector to help Australian growers remain globally competitive,” Mr Fifield said.

“This grower-focused program puts global innovation directly into the hands of vegetable growers, allowing them to play an active role in testing the technology and communicating its potential benefits.”

The program is committed to sharing research findings with growers across the country and has a packed schedule of field days, showcase events, international education tours and webinars to allow growers to engage directly with the latest equipment and manufacturers.

Program goals

Ian Layden, DAF's director of vegetables, systems and supply chain, said the ultimate goal of the program was to help growers and the industry as a whole adopt on-the-ground technologies that would make a difference to input costs.

“Through this program and our collaboration with the World Agricultural Robotics Organization, we hope to see more growers actively seeking automated and mechanized machinery solutions,” Layden said.

“The grower demonstration sites we will be setting up will provide qualitative and quantitative data that highlights the potential efficiency benefits of mechanized machinery solutions, and we hope will help growers make bolder decisions about the technologies they invest in.”

“Supporting growers to incorporate new machinery into their field operations is crucial, which is why growers and technology providers, supported by our project partner Farm Concepts, will play a key role in implementation.”

“Following the success of the Gatton SmartFarm AgTech Showcase in November 2023, we are already supporting Australia's first robotics trials in Rocky Valley and this new investment and partnership will continue our important research and engagement with vegetable growers and the global tech community.”

GOFAR co-director Gwendolyn Legrand believes robots are a new era for farm machinery and the Australian industry is ready to adopt technology solutions.

“Through our global network and knowledge of the US and EU technology sector, GOFAR will provide Australia with access to a global network of machinery manufacturers and suppliers and machinery for Australian growers to test and optimise,” Mr Legrand said.

“We connect growers directly with manufacturers and other commercial growers who are actively adopting new technologies.”

AUSVEG chief executive Michael Couto said the vegetable industry was prioritizing investment in increasing the use of technology within the industry.

“The vegetable industry has high input costs, including energy, labour, chemicals and fertilisers, which dramatically impacts producers' profitability,” Mr Couto said.

“We know the technology exists to address these challenges, but the process of gathering information, consulting with manufacturers, importing and trialing the machinery is time-consuming and expensive, and can be too much for individual growers.

“This program offers industry an unparalleled opportunity to access the latest equipment and gain the information they need to make informed business decisions.”

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