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Apple Pay vs Google Wallet: Which is best for Brits?

Apple Pay vs Google Wallet: Which is best for Brits?


If you're looking for the best digital wallets available in the UK, Apple Pay and Google Wallet are probably your top choices, as they both allow you to make contactless payments easily with a high level of security.

In this guide, we compare Google Wallet and Apple Pay to explain which one is better for you, including how many people in the UK have these cards, where you can use them, and whether there are any fees.

A quick comparison of Google Wallet and Apple Pay UK

Before we dive into the Apple Pay vs Google Pay debate, let’s do a quick comparison of their features.

FeaturesGoogle Wallet1Apple Pay3 Supported devicesAndroid devicesiPhone, Apple Watch, Mac, iPad AvailabilityWhere you see the Google Pay/contactless symbolWhere you see the Apple Pay/contactless symbol How many people in the UK use Apple Pay/Google Wallet? 33% of UK mobile payment users use Google Wallet at the POS267% of UK mobile payment users use Apple Pay at the POS2 SecurityHigh security claimed by GoogleHigh security claimed by Apple Is it compatible with Wise cards? YesYes CostNo fees from GoogleNo fees from Apple How does Google Wallet work in the UK?

Google Wallet gives you quick and easy access to your payment cards, flight and concert tickets, IDs and passes for everything from contactless transactions in stores and in-app purchases to paying for public transport4.

In addition to these features, Google Wallet will also let you store proof of vaccination and testing records, as well as hold your digital car key, though these are currently only available on certain BMW Model 4s.

How to use Google Wallet with your Wise card

You can easily connect your Wise card to Google Wallet via the Wise app or directly through Google Wallet.

If you use the Wise app, here are the steps:

Open the Wise app and tap the Cards tab. Select the card you want to add and tap Add to G Pay/Google Wallet.

To add your Wise card via Google Wallet, follow these steps:

Open the Google Wallet app. Tap “Add to Wallet” at the bottom. Select Payment Cards and choose “New credit or debit card.” Scan your card or enter the details manually. Follow the steps to verify your card.

For more information, read how to use your Wise card with Google Pay.

How Apple Pay works in the UK

Apple Pay is a secure, widely accepted payment method that's easy to set up and can be used to make purchases in stores, online, and in apps. Although you're not directly paying with your card, when you use Apple Pay you get all the rewards and benefits associated with your card3.

You can use Apple Pay anywhere contactless payments are available, from stores to taxis. You can even pay for public transport with Apple Pay — without having to unlock your phone or Apple Watch, just tap the card reader3.

What is the difference between Apple Wallet and Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is Apple's secure mobile payment service that works in stores, online and in apps5.

Apple Wallet is the app or place where you store your credit and debit cards for use with Apple Pay. In addition to this feature, Apple Wallet can also store boarding passes, car keys, transportation cards, and more.5

Apple WalletApple PayApple's digital wallet appApple's mobile payment serviceComes pre-installed on Apple devicesNo app, but used within Apple WalletStores boarding passes, car keys, loyalty cards, and moreUsed for transactions onlyHow to use Apple Pay with your Wise card

You can add your Wise card to Apple Pay through the Wise app or Apple Wallet.

Here are the steps to do this via the Wise app:

Open the Wise app and tap the Cards tab. Select the card you want to add and tap Add to Apple Wallet.

If you want to add your Wise card using Apple Wallet, follow these steps:

Open Apple Wallet. Scan your card or enter the details manually. Authenticate your card with an SMS code.

For more information, read how to use your Wise card with Apple Pay.

Apple Cash Family

Apple Cash is a digital card stored in Apple Wallet that can be used to send and receive money in Messages and Wallet. Apple Cash Family is a way to set up Apple Cash for minor members of your Family Sharing group6.

However, Apple Cash and Apple Cash Family are currently only available to US residents6.

How safe is Google Wallet for Brits?

Google guarantees that its wallet has a high level of security4. When you pay with Google Wallet, your personal information is protected and your card number is not exposed to merchants.

Privacy controls let you decide exactly what information you share, and Android also provides two important security features: two-step verification and remote data wipe4.

How secure is Apple Pay in the UK?

Apple says that its Apple Pay service is much more secure than using a physical card.3 This is not only because your card details are never shared with merchants when you use Apple Pay, but also because your card numbers are never stored on Apple's servers.

When you make a purchase with Apple Pay, you'll need to use Face ID, Touch ID, or your password3.

So which is best for Brits?

Apple Pay and Google Wallet have similar features and security levels, and both are fairly popular among Brits.

The main difference between Apple Pay and Google Wallet is their compatibility with different devices. They can be used for a variety of types of payments across the UK, but the decision mainly comes down to whether you have an Android or an iPhone.

Wise cards work with both Google Wallet and Apple Pay. Hold multiple currencies and convert them using mid-market exchange rates with low, transparent conversion fees*.

Like any other card, you can also use your Wise virtual card with Apple Pay and Google Wallet.

Other frequently asked questions

Let's answer a few questions about Apple Pay and Google Wallet.

Are there any fees for Apple Pay?

No, Apple Pay doesn't charge any fees.3 However, be aware that fees that you would pay if you used your card directly may still apply when you use Apple Pay.

Is Google Wallet free to use?

Yes, Google Wallet is free. However, just like with Apple Pay, your card issuer may charge you a fee, just like if you were to use your card directly.

Which are the most used payment apps in the UK?

Here are the most popular payment apps and how many UK shoppers use them2:

Payment apps: Percentage of UK shoppers Apple Pay 67%, Google Wallet (Google Pay) 33%, Samsung Wallet (Samsung Pay) 7%, PayPal 30%, Cash App 10% Can I use Apple Pay on the London Underground?

Apple Pay can be used to pay for public transport, including the London Underground 7. Express Mode lets you pay with a simple tap, without Face ID, Touch ID or a passcode, but this feature is only available on public transport.

Do UK supermarkets accept Google Wallet as a payment method?

Google Wallet works in any store that accepts contactless payments, including supermarkets, so the next time you pop into Aldi, Tesco or Sainsbury's, you can leave your physical card at home.

Please see the terms and conditions for your region or visit Wise Fees & Pricing for the most up-to-date information on fees and charges.

Sources used in this article:

Google Wallet – Frequently asked questions about Google Wallet Statista – Largest contactless payment brand in the UK (data as of March 2024) Apple – Learn more about Apple Pay Google Wallet – Google Wallet home page Apple – Learn more about Apple Wallet Apple – Apple Cash explained Apple – Learn more about Apple Pay Express Mode

Last confirmed: May 31, 2024

*Please check the terms and conditions and product availability in your area or visit Wise Fees & Pricing for the latest fee and fee information.

This publication is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or other professional advice from Wise Payments Limited or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates, and is not a substitute for obtaining advice from a financial advisor or other professional.

We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, that the contents of the publication are accurate, complete or up-to-date.




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