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Apple's iPhone AI shows Google what it's made of

Apple's iPhone AI shows Google what it's made of


Apple unveiled new AI tools for iPhone, iPad, and Mac during its WWDC 2024 keynote: Apple Intelligence. While Google's I/O event a few weeks ago was solely focused on AI, Google's approach to the subject was a conglomerate of nonsense that baffled me as a technology journalist for 13 years. Apple took a different approach when talking about AI.

The presenters at Google I/O provided a ton of information, including a ton of new brand names to understand: Gem, Gemma, Gemini, Veo, Astra, Learn LM, etc. I sat at a Google event not understanding what any of them even did, or why I should care about them. I left the workday feeling overwhelmed and left behind in the tech world.

Apple talked a lot about how its various new AI features would work across all of its platforms, but in a way that actually made sense: the company took a “show, don't tell” approach, providing real-world examples of what the new features actually do and, most importantly, how you can benefit from using them.

We were shown a demo of how you can ask the new AI-powered Siri to “make my photo stand out” before it automatically edits the image. We also saw how, when Mike texts you a new address, you can use on-screen recognition to simply say, “Add this address to Mike's contact card.” All of Apple's examples were clear and easy to understand, showcasing how Apple continues to thrive with its customer-centric approach.

Apple provided a real-world example of its AI tools in use.

Screenshot by Apple/CNET

Both Google's I/O and Apple's WWDC are essentially developer events designed to communicate these updates to industry experts so they can be deployed to users. But Google's event was too professional, loaded with jargon and prerequisite knowledge, which alienated general tech fans like me. As a result, I'm not excited about Google's AI promises, simply because I'm not sure what they are. This means I may not be as interested in using Chrome or Gmail, or buying an Android phone that leverages Google's mission of AI tools.

Apple's keynote spoke directly to me, not in some incomprehensible developer-speak: Tim Cook called the AI ​​in Apple devices “personal intelligence,” and it felt right, while the catchy slogan “AI is for all of us” appeared on the screen behind Craig Federighi, like a call-to-action for one of Google's cryptic events.

But beyond that, Apple focused on issues that matter to me as a consumer: there was a lot of discussion about privacy in AI, how data will be protected, and even the emphasis on cartoon-style generative images of friends and family rather than photorealistic images, which can be very creepy and potentially very problematic.

Google kept its own count of how many times the word “AI” was used, but we counted and the number was even higher.

Screenshot by Google/CNET

Apple spoke directly with developers to explain that an SDK for ChatGPT integration would be available for various apps, etc., but they still explained it in a way that gave me a sense of exactly why this would be useful when using an iPhone.

When Apple's event ended, I felt like I understood what was going on. I understood the products that were coming out, and not only that, I was excited to try them. As for Google's products, I might be excited to try them once I understand them, but it felt like Google was too busy saying the word “AI” 140 times in the keynote to even tell me what their products were.

By focusing on the customer, Apple has managed to cut through the jargon and actually communicate why I should care, and in the ever-evolving and endlessly confusing world of AI, this is a huge win for Apple.




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