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NIAR Adds Electric Aircraft Testing Capabilities

NIAR Adds Electric Aircraft Testing Capabilities


Wichita State University’s National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) is adding new capabilities to its portfolio in an effort to grow the electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) market and attract new business to the region and state.

Recently, NIAR broke ground on construction of a new tethered flight test facility that will include off-ground-effect and in-ground-effect test rigs.

The facility provides eVTOL developers with a controlled environment to perform limited operations of test vehicles for research and testing to evaluate thrust characteristics, aerodynamics, system performance and failure conditions.

The facility features a 28-by-14-foot elevated test rig and a 20-by-20-foot ground test rig with six-axis load cells, data acquisition systems and real-time data monitoring via a mission control room, allowing eVTOL manufacturers to evaluate vehicle systems and aerodynamic performance.

Located at Air Capital Flight Line in South Oliver, Wichita, the facility was made possible by the Kansas Aviation Research and Testing Growth Initiative (KART), a Kansas state-funded program to enhance aviation industry technology in Kansas.

Textron eAviation Inc., a subsidiary of Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) focused on sustainable aviation solutions, expects to occupy the facility once it is completed and is serving as a collaborator in its development.

“We are excited to collaborate with NIAR on the development of this test facility, whose design will enable us to simulate key aspects of the Nexus eVTOL's flight environment,” said Kriya Shortt, president and CEO of Textron eAviation. With construction of our first full-scale technology demonstrator underway and Nexus' first flight scheduled for 2025, the hover lamp will be a key program milestone on the path to certification.

The Textron eAviations Nexus eVTOL is designed to serve a variety of purposes, including passenger transport, cargo and emergency medical services markets.

In addition to the new captive flight test facility, NIAR supports the eVTOL research and development program through existing capabilities such as materials development, environmental and electromagnetic testing, full-scale structural testing, and impact testing. Recently, NIAR's Advanced Virtual Engineering and Test Lab completed battery pack drop testing on the electric propulsion system of the Archer Aviation Midnight aircraft.

The electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft development program is one of the newest and most active in the aerospace industry. According to JP Morgan, the eVTOL industry could be worth $1 trillion by 2040.

The tethered flight test facility is expected to be completed in late 2024.

About Wichita State University

Wichita State University is Kansas' only urban public research university, with more than 23,000 students enrolled at its main campus and WSU Tech, including students from every state in the U.S. and more than 100 countries. Wichita State University and WSU Tech are known for being student-centered and innovation-driven.

Located in the largest city in a state with the highest concentration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs in the United States, Wichita State University offers all students a unique, distinctive and innovative pathway to applied learning, applied research and career opportunities.

A physical extension of Wichita State University's main campus, the Innovation Campus spans more than 120 acres and is one of the largest and fastest growing research and innovation parks in the nation, home to numerous global companies and organizations.

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