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Google Recorder just got even more useful with new app shortcuts

Google Recorder just got even more useful with new app shortcuts


Overview The Google Recorder app now has a new app shortcut, allowing you to quickly start an audio recording without opening the app. This comes days after Google introduced Gemini Nano to the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a. The Pixel 8 Pro already comes with an advanced AI model. The recent Pixel Feature Drop also introduced several upgrades for select Pixel devices, including improved Recorder app summaries, DisplayPort support, and multiple camera improvements.

The recent June Pixel Feature Drop introduced Gemini Nano to the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a. Prior to this addition, the 8 Pro was the only device that supported it. Gemini Nano brought a ton of AI improvements, and the Pixel's dedicated Recorder app received some upgrades for the newly supported Pixel 8 models. But this was apparently not the last of the changes. Google Recorder also got a handy app shortcut for easier access to the record button.

Related: Google's June Pixel Feature Drop expands the Gemini Nano, adds DisplayPort output

Plus, there are big improvements to the Pixel Watch and tablets.

First spotted by 9to5Google, the Recorder app has a prominent icon in the shortcuts menu.[録音]option. For starters, the app shortcut menu is launched by long-pressing the app icon. Ideally, you'd launch it while it's on the home screen, but you can also launch it from the app drawer. The feature appears to be rolling out widely, including to Pixel devices running Google Recorder version 4.2.20240502.639621645.

As the site points out, the functionality is pretty similar to the Recorder quick settings tile: Tapping the app shortcut immediately starts recording, then the user is redirected to the app for controls like pausing, deleting, and saving.

This is a relatively small upgrade that wasn't mentioned in the recent Pixel Drop, but users who frequently use recorder apps will appreciate the addition of this feature anyway, as it will save a few seconds that would otherwise be required to manually open the app, tap the big FAB, and start recording audio.

Speaking of which, the record button in the app shortcuts (a red circle on a white background) looks nothing like the FAB in the Recorder app, which has a light red for the record button and a dark red circle for the record button. It's unclear whether this distinction is intentional or just an oversight that will be fixed in a future update.

Other changes in the June Pixel Feature Drop

Upgraded AI Summary (left), DisplayPort support (center), and manual lens switching (right)

As Google explained in a blog post this week, the Recorder app on the Pixel 8, 8 Pro, and 8a can now provide “more detailed, downloadable summaries” than previous versions. This is in addition to automatically identifying speakers from the recording/transcript or through manually added speaker labels. Users can also export the transcript to a text file or upload it to Google Drive, which is a handy feature.

The Recorder app isn't the only area where the Pixel 8 trio has improved this month: these three smartphones also gained DisplayPort support over USB-C, which makes it easier to mirror your device to a larger screen if your monitor/display supports it.

Also in this month's Feature Drop, some Pixel phones will see improved HDR+ images, and the Pixel 6 and 7 Pro models (as well as the Pixel Fold) will now let users manually select the lens they use to capture images and videos, a feature that was previously limited to the Pixel 8 Pro.




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