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Opinion: Why we need to invest in agricultural innovation

Opinion: Why we need to invest in agricultural innovation


Just as agriculture encompasses a variety of products, systems and business types, the term agritech is expanding.

For many people, it might bring to mind drones or robots, but to me it's a term that captures a much broader range of innovation.

To overcome the persistent labor shortage issue, automation and robotics are being used to search, detect and harvest produce.

See also: Did the UK's agricultural technology centre achieve its goals and what happens next?

About the Author

Phil Bicknell is CEO of the UK Agritech Centre. Here he explains why and how we need more public and private investment in agritech.

Artificial intelligence tools are being used to help farmers make data-driven decisions and enhance farm management.

Drones and satellite data and imagery will be used to track soil conditions and detect crop diseases.

Additionally, biotechnology and gene editing techniques are being used to eradicate diseases and improve animal health and welfare – just some of the innovations in agricultural technology.

But despite the endless opportunities that agritech brings to our industry, there are still some myths that hold back some of that potential.

One such misconception is that agritech is solely focused on agriculture, when in reality agritech innovations are developed and implemented across a wide range of sectors of today’s agriculture industry, including horticulture, aquaculture and forestry.

Another misconception is that agritech is costly. Agritech companies are very much aware of the financial pressures in the sector, and many are focusing on developing low-cost technologies, such as drones and data apps, that offer high value and help reduce costs.

And while there is a perception that agritech is only developed for large or corporate agricultural businesses, agritech innovations are being developed for and in partnership with farms and agribusinesses of all sizes and specialisms.

The fourth misconception is that agritech is incompatible with regenerative, circular and sustainable agricultural practices.

Again, many companies are very focused on developing sustainable solutions that counter the effects of climate change, support biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Other disorders

While these myths and misconceptions can be overcome, other major obstacles must be addressed to accelerate the development and adoption of agricultural innovations.

One key challenge is that in a complex and fragmented industry, bringing such innovations to market takes time, and the clock is ticking: over the next 10 to 15 years, we need to significantly transform our food production and supply chains, yet it often takes 5 to 10 years to commercialize innovations.

A new survey by the UK Agricultural Technology Centre also found that four in 10 respondents said access to finance was the biggest barrier to developing new technologies.

This was followed by resource and time constraints and the ability to attract investment, while more than one in four agri-food companies experienced regulatory hurdles.

However, the sector is experiencing an overwhelming demand to explore, develop and implement new technologies and solutions.

Now is the time to seize the opportunity to drive unprecedented levels of agricultural innovation, for the benefit of the agriculture and agri-food sector, food security for consumers and protection of the environment.

More strategic and targeted government funding should be directed towards longer-term research and adoption programs, and funding should be de-risked for private investors to stimulate long-term investment in agricultural technology projects and businesses.

With the UK Agricultural Technology Centre, the UK’s largest specialist agricultural technology organisation, recently formed through the merger of the Centres of Innovation Excellence in Crop Health and Protection, Livestock and Agricultural Engineering, and Precision and Innovation, and with major funding from Innovate UK, we are committed to using science to accelerate progress and become a global leader in agricultural technology innovation.




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