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Google's search chief tells employees that AI will continue to make ridiculous mistakes, but the company will continue to eliminate them

Google's search chief tells employees that AI will continue to make ridiculous mistakes, but the company will continue to eliminate them


“I don't think we should take a lesson from this that we shouldn't take risks.” Still exploring

Google's search chief doesn't want anything as troubling as AI gibberish lest the company ship an immature product.

CNBC reports that Google's head of search, Liz Reid, urged employees at an all-hands meeting last week not to view AI issues in the company's core products as a bad thing.

“It's important that we don't hold back on adding features just because we might have occasional problems,” Read told Google staff, “but as we find problems, we address them promptly.”

The veteran Googler, who was promoted to lead in March, joked to employees that “you've probably heard stories about putting glue on pizza or eating rocks,” referring, of course, to the highly publicized instances in which Google's AI Overview feature spits out gibberish for simple queries. This isn't the first time Reid has had to deal with a trend for AI search nonsense since taking the reins at search, and we're sure it won't be the last.

“I don't think we should conclude from this that we shouldn't take risks,” Reid said during the meeting. “We should take risks carefully. We should act with urgency. If we find new issues, we should do thorough testing, but we're not going to necessarily find everything. It just means we're responding.”

Urgent Notice

Despite these optimistic statements, it is unclear how that urgency will be put into practice.

The company has reportedly implemented patches and guardrails to fix the issues affecting AI-generated search results, but as recently as a few days ago, the message about being able to make group pizza was still appearing (though after checking a few times today, it appears the company has manually disabled the AI ​​response to that particular query).

When contacted by CNBC, a Google spokesperson played defensively, saying the “vast majority” of AI Summary responses are accurate and that the company's own internal testing found issues in “fewer than one in 7 million unique queries where AI Summary was shown.”

“As we said, we're continuing to improve how and when we show you the AI ​​summary to make it as helpful as possible,” Spox continued. “This includes some technical updates to improve the quality of our responses.”

While AI responses appear to be being typed for fewer queries than before, it’s pretty bold to not only dismiss evidence of AI Overview’s immaturity as “occasional issues” but also place the onus of beta testing on the public and Google staff at large.

“Whenever you see a problem, no matter how small or large, please report it,” Reed urged his fellow Googlers.

In other news about Google personnel changes: Google hires weight loss pills exec with zero tech experience as new CFO. Google hires weight loss pills exec with zero tech experience as new CFO




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