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Google and Samsung won't lose sleep over Apple Intelligence

Google and Samsung won't lose sleep over Apple Intelligence


Apple's upcoming iOS 18 update promises some big changes and many smaller ones for Apple's iPhone line. But Apple Intelligence is arguably the most significant announcement, adding to features Android has had for years. However, Apple's belated push into AI comes with some caveats, which should give you pause before jumping on the hype.

First, to take advantage of the best of Apple's new features in a phone form factor, you'll need the top-of-the-line iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max, which may not be too surprising since they have the best silicon. Apple is betting big on AI to encourage early upgrades, and iOS 18 offers much less to the majority of Apple's current user base. But peel back the investor-facing flattery and media-facing AI soundbites, and it's clear that Apple is still well behind its AI rivals and has big gaps to close before it can get close to parity with the market leaders.

First, Apple is leveraging OpenAI's ChatGPT for texting, other generative tasks, and Assistant-style requests that Siri can't perform. This brings it to parity with AI-powered Android phones, but because ChatGPT doesn't run on the device, the most advanced AI features are bound to a network connection (we all know what happens when ChatGPT goes down), making it more vulnerable to security concerns. Meanwhile, Android is moving to on-device AI processing thanks to Gemini Nano, which is now available on the very affordable Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a.

Apple was caught off guard when it came to AI, so it's partnering with OpenAI to fill the gap.

This matters because Apple values ​​privacy, and its customers pay a premium for this recognition compared to rival ecosystems. And while Apple claims that personal data isn't stored or used to train models, information sent over the internet is at higher risk of leaking than information stored on the device. Would Apple really send data elsewhere if it had better options? On the plus side, Apple doesn't charge for ChatGPT, but OpenAI customers can link their accounts to presumably access better models and more advanced features. Well, we'll have to wait and see, but this plunge into AI doesn't seem like the cohesive, just-works type of feature Apple usually goes for.

This rushed approach can be seen in other products as well. Apple Intelligence, more broadly, will only support one language at launch: US English. In contrast, Samsung's Galaxy AI supports 13 languages, excluding variations. Similarly, Google's Live Translate supports six interpretation languages ​​and 21 languages ​​for text-based chat. The US may be Apple's largest market, but many customers in Europe and elsewhere will miss out on a launch tailored to their region. Apple's “AI is for all of us” slogan has a rather narrow geographic definition. Why should consumers around the world shell out money for an iPhone 16 that lacks these flagship features?

Robert Triggs / Android Authority

If that's still too far off the current pace, the ChatGPT integration and the rest of Apple Intelligence won't arrive until iOS 18 is released in the fall. All Apple has done so far is tease AI features, but Apple Intelligence won't be complete by the time the iPhone 16 is released in September. Once the inevitable issues are ironed out, rivals will likely be working on the next generation of AI devices.

As an example, an updated Siri isn't in the first developer builds of iOS 18. There's still plenty of time for a developer release, but the public release will likely be more of a public beta than a ground-breaking release (Apple acknowledges this fact on its website). To make matters worse, some features, like advanced app controls, won't be available until 2025. In their rush to catch up and be at least a little competitive, Apple is abandoning some of the polish that made them so popular.

Samsung's Galaxy AI has been pretty sophisticated since launch, while Apple Intelligence is closer to being a public beta.

While Apple has been busy figuring out its strategy, Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy owners have been enjoying generative AI features for months, and Microsoft is now jumping into an adjacent field with its CoPilot Plus PC. While Apple is still on the starting line, these experiences are only going to get better.

Far from reassuring us all that Apple is coming out on top, the slow public beta-style rollout, limited language support, and reliance on third-party tools expose just how far behind Apple Intelligence really is. No doubt Google, Samsung, and others are keeping an eye on Apple's latest announcements, but the slow pace of progress won't bother them too much.





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