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June 2024 – News and Events

June 2024 – News and Events


SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 15, 2024 — Thousands of family and friends gathered at Stevens Stadium this morning to celebrate the diploma presentation ceremony for 1,448 undergraduate students from Santa Clara University’s 2024 graduating class.

Graduates marched with smiles on their faces wearing brightly colored sashes, floral leis, and uniquely decorated hats to go with their gowns. For many graduates, this was their first time walking across the stage in their gowns and caps, as they were unable to attend their high school graduation ceremonies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Class of 2024 overcame many unique challenges, including a virtual first year of college for most, social distancing protocols and mask mandates during classes, clubs and performances.

Santa Clara University President Julie Sullivan congratulated the graduates for embodying competence, conscience and compassion, and commended them for building a more humane, just and sustainable world.

“You have all been outstanding leaders in many roles and activities across campus,” Sullivan said. “You have embraced and embodied our Jesuit mission and values ​​through your support for so many important issues and people: student well-being, student mental health, victims of sexual assault, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, environmental sustainability, and expanding our multicultural center and space for LGBTQ Catholics. As a result of your leadership and support, Santa Clara University has become a more humane, just and sustainable university. We are grateful for this. This is your legacy.”

The commencement speech was given by California Supreme Court Justice Martin J. Jenkins (Class of 1977), who drew laughter and applause from the audience as he spoke of the similarities and differences between campus then and now, and the invaluable support he continues to receive from his fellow Broncos to this day.

He also reflected on how students at his alma mater are learning much more than just how to get a job.

“I guarantee you won't have any trouble reaching that goal, but you have been blessed with much more than just a job at Santa Clara,” Jenkins said. “Your education has given you the gift of learning how to learn, a skill that will give you great flexibility over the next few years as technology changes.”

Judge Jenkins spoke about the pain and hardship he experienced as a gay man growing up in the '70s and advised the graduates to embrace the pain in their lives.

“Through the process of struggle, gratitude develops. Gratitude is one of the most important values ​​because it in turn creates a strong urge within you to be generous and to be of service to others,” he said.

For those who couldn't attend, the event was livestreamed.

Brilliant Class

The 2024 undergraduate student body is estimated to be 56 percent male and 44 percent female, 40 percent white, 39 percent Asian, 12 percent Hispanic, 3 percent black, and 2 percent Native American/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian.

More than 1,000 students are from California, 338 are from 48 other U.S. states and territories, and 107 are international students.

Following the commencement ceremony, Student Government President Lily Humber ’24 introduced and gave remarks from graduating class representative Simon Fournier Ranzoni ’24. Ranzoni, an Italian and music major, organized a campaign last year to offer students free admission to arts events.

“My peers, you have strengthened my optimism about the great potential of our generation. Collectively, we are beginning to question global norms and recalibrate outdated societal structures and dichotomies,” said Ranzoni. “Past generations identified many of the societal issues we currently face, but our generation sees the solutions and actions necessary to bring about lasting change. We see the colors of hope.”

“I ask faculty, staff, fellow students, each of us to continually look for what is missing in our community as a conscious and conscientious act of hope to build a better future, one that will create the equity we all deserve and the freedom for everyone to pursue a life of purpose.”

At the ceremony held on June 7th, several awards were presented to high school students who had achieved outstanding results.

Francesca D’Urzo (’24) received the St. Clare Medal and Allen Dao (’24) received the Nobili Medal, both of which are awarded to seniors who have demonstrated outstanding character, participation in school activities, and overall contribution to the College. Jules Holland (’24) received the Peter Hans Kolvenbach SJ Award, presented to a graduating student who exemplifies the ideals of a Jesuit education. Laura Clark (’24), Leah Panda (’24), Kimber Wood (’24), and Grace Yonkers Taltz (’24) received the Richard J. Riordan Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to community service. Iris Do (’24), Katie Duffy (’24), Daniel Martinez (’24), and Matthew Mayo (’24) received the Student Life Award, in recognition of their contributions to the overall quality of life of the College community. Sarahi Espinoza Salamanca ’24, Isabella Reyes ’24, Tanvi Syed ’24, and Naomi Yang ’24 received the Gracelyn Rillorta Bateman Award for Excellence in Inclusion, presented to a student or student organization that has demonstrated a commitment to enhancing an inclusive environment at SCU. Ellen Duncan ’24 and Isabella Reyes ’24 received the 2024 Neider Family Alumni Service Award, presented to an outstanding senior student who has participated in a direct service program or project.

Starting a Graduate Program

Later Saturday, 233 graduates from Santa Clara's graduate programs in education, counseling psychology and chaplaincy were scheduled to receive their advanced degrees in a ceremony at Stevens Stadium. Daniel Slaton, co-founder of the NWSL's Bay FC and a 2002 graduate of Santa Clara University, was the speaker.

Additionally, 714 graduates from the business and engineering graduate programs will also hold commencement ceremonies Saturday afternoon and evening at Stevens Stadium.

Graduation ceremonies for graduates of Santa Clara University's School of Law and School of Theology were held on May 18th.

About Santa Clara University Founded in 1851, Santa Clara University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the most innovative and entrepreneurial region in the world. The university's beautiful 106-acre campus is home to the historic Santa Clara de Asis Church. Ranked in the top 15% of universities nationwide by U.S. News & World Report, Santa Clara University is one of the nation's best four-year universities and in the top 1% of universities with the highest salaries for graduates by PayScale. Santa Clara University has produced an elite number of Fulbright Scholars and four Rhodes Scholars. Offering undergraduate programs in arts, sciences, business, and engineering, and graduate programs in six fields, the university's curriculum blends high-tech innovation with social consciousness rooted in the traditions of Jesuit, Catholic education.

Media Contact Lisa Robinson | SCU Media and Communications | [email protected] | 408-551-3601




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