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Google fans rave about list of upgrades released for millions of Android smartphones; you can find them in seconds

Google fans rave about list of upgrades released for millions of Android smartphones; you can find them in seconds


GOOGLE has announced a selection of free updates coming to Android smartphones.

New artificial intelligence features have been added that will also help identify spam calls.


You can now reverse search mystery numbers in your call history on Pixel phones. Credit: Google

The upgrade is specifically coming to Google's Pixel devices.

These are Google's own branded smartphones running Android.

Pixel Upgrade

First on the list is Google's introduction of the Gemini Nano on the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a.

Google explains that “Gemini Nano is Google's most efficient AI model built for on-device tasks.”

“And starting today, with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a, you'll have access to Gemini Nano as a developer option. You can enable developer options in your Pixel's settings.”

Secondly, the summary feature in Google's Recorder app now uses Gemini on the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8a, providing “more detailed, downloadable summaries.”

“It improves transcription of conversations by detecting and including speaker names,” Google said.

“You can also export transcripts to a text file or Google Docs, making it easy to keep records of interviews, class lectures, and more.”

With the Pixel 8a, Pixel 8, and Pixel 8 Pro, you can now view your content on a larger screen.

Google unveils new 911 text feature that lets you share precise location and video with emergency services

Simply connect it to your monitor via USB-C.

Find My Device now allows you to locate your phone even if it's turned off or the battery is dead.

The Pixel camera has a new feature that automatically identifies the “best photo moment” with HDR+, making it easy to capture in-focus smile photos.

If you don't know the phone number, you can now reverse search it directly from your call history.


Now you can choose exactly which lens you want to use. Credit: Google

And finally, you can now manually select which camera lens to use when taking photos.

Google says this gives you “greater control” to get the perfect shot.

Fan Favorites

Fans reacted very positively to the news.

In fact, the blog post received hundreds of upvotes on the official Android subreddit.

“Lens options are very important to me,” said one Pixel smartphone owner.

“Even when there is enough light, it is sometimes very difficult to get the telephoto lens to work.

“Also, number search reduces the number of taps, which is fun.”

Official Guide to Google Pixel Battery Tips

For Pixel users, here's Google's official advice on how to make your battery last longer…

Tip 1: Close unused apps on your phone.

Tip 2: Keep your phone and apps up to date. Each new version of an application becomes more battery efficient and fixes errors and glitches that use up unnecessary power.

Tip 3: Turn down the brightness. Protect your eyes and save battery by turning down the brightness of your phone. You can also set your phone to a dark theme with a black background. This will use less power and put less strain on your eyes.

Tip 4: Know which apps and activities use power. Pixel users need to be aware of which activities use the most battery. Video calling and gaming top the list. Users should also shut down apps that are open but not being used.

Another person replied: “Yes! I recently bought a small fish tank.”

“And when you do macro photography, the camera's software is constantly switching between good and not-so-good lenses for a given close-up.

“And then when I actually do take the photo, somehow I always end up choosing the worst lens.”

“It feels like they just removed a feature but it was something else. But it's solid honestly. I love the manual lens feature,” said another.


New camera features help you capture the perfect picture of your face. Credit: Google




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