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Get started with Google Gemini

Get started with Google Gemini


Google has been pushing Gemini, its combined artificial intelligence chatbot and digital assistant, for Android smartphones for some time now. Now you can choose between using Google Assistant or Gemini, but that's not the whole story. If you want to use the Gemini app on your Android device, you'll need to use it as your Android Assistant. This requirement makes the choice of whether to use Gemini on your smartphone a tough one. However, there are a lot of cool and exciting use cases for Gemini that might be attractive enough to make you switch.

Related Google Gemini: Everything you need to know about Google's next-generation multimodal AI

Google Gemini has arrived with an entirely new approach to multimodal AI. Here's what you need to know.

Gemini isn't the first AI chatbot, nor is it the only multimodal interface available on Android. But many new AI users struggle to figure out exactly how to incorporate all these features into their daily lives. By learning the basics of Google Gemini and how it fits into Android, you can begin your Gemini journey like a seasoned pro.

Set Gemini as your primary assistant Google Assistant is still there by default, but Gemini can take over instead

First, you'll need to install the Gemini app (if you haven't already). Google is still fixing some of Gemini's flaws, so it's not the default voice assistant for Android. Once you download the app, you'll see the following screen, which explains the difference between Google Assistant and Gemini. You'll be agreeing to Gemini's terms of service here, so read them carefully. Google's human reviewers review your interactions with Gemini to make improvements, so don't share any information with Gemini that you wouldn't be comfortable giving to a stranger.

As we briefly mentioned earlier, Google has unfortunately made the decision to tie the Gemini app to their digital assistant for Android. When you set up the Gemini app, you are required to make Gemini your default Android assistant. You can always switch back to Google Assistant, but if you do, you will lose access to the Gemini app. If you want to use Google Assistant and Gemini, your only option is to access Gemini through the web client.

Google warns that Gemini isn't a perfect replacement, as it can't do everything the Google Assistant does. While this is true, Gemini does have a built-in Google Assistant extension that supports some digital assistant features that Gemini doesn't. Most users should be able to use Gemini and the Assistant extension without losing any significant functionality.

How to communicate with GeminiGet easy support from Gemini using voice, text and images

There are three main ways to interact with Gemini: voice, text, and images. In general, you wake up Gemini the same way you wake up the Google Assistant, such as by holding down the power button on your phone. As long as the feature is enabled and Voice Match is on, you can use “Hey Google” to call up Gemini. Once you've woken up Gemini with your chosen method, you can start interacting with your Assistant as you normally would.

You're probably used to interacting with Google Assistant using voice, so switching to Gemini won't bring much new to you. One thing that makes Gemini so different from Google Assistant is its image-based capabilities. When you share your screen with Gemini, it can answer questions based on what you're viewing. This is helpful when you don't understand something, need some background context, or want a quick summary. Think of it like Circle to Search, powered by Google's massive language model.

To see how Gemini's context-aware image capabilities work in the real world, take a look at this example: I gave Gemini access to an Android Police article I was reading about Dave Burke stepping down as head of Android's engineering team, and started asking some questions about it. Note that Gemini can't automatically access your screen; you have to manually[この画面を追加]You'll need to tap to share the contents of your screen. This is to protect your privacy and to confirm that you're happy for Google to see what's on your screen. After you tap the share button, you can ask Gemini questions about what you're seeing.

The questions can be as basic or complex as you like. First, I asked Gemini who this article is about. The chatbot quickly answered about Dave Burke and gave some background on his role at Google. As you provide contextual information to Google, you can expect the results to be more accurate, but being an AI in 2024, it's still possible that Gemini will make a mistake. Luckily, you can see the source of the information right below Gemini's answer. In this case, I'll fact-check the information with the Android Police article I mentioned at the beginning.

A more real-world use case for Gemini's multimodal capabilities is summarizing what's on the screen, especially when reading a long article. I specifically told Gemini to use two sentences to describe this article, and it did so perfectly. Being specific in your prompts is good, but adding context where possible also improves results. The conversation can continue for as long as you like, and Gemini can loop through web results and data in your knowledge base to provide the best answer possible.

There are some great ways to use Gemini, including many of the ways you're familiar with Google Assistant. You can ask Gemini for the time, the weather, or the name of the current US President, all of which are things that digital assistants have been able to do for a long time. What makes Gemini special is that it answers questions and completes actions in context. To get the most out of Gemini, share your screen at any time. Or you can connect Gemini with other Google services, which we'll explain next.

Don't forget about extensions: Gemini can integrate with many other Google services.

For situations where you need to give Gemini more information than just what's on the screen, there are extensions. These connect with other Google services like Workspace and YouTube. You can ask Gemini about Google Docs you have access to, look up information about Google Flights, and more. This puts Gemini in a personalized context, not just with information you stumble upon on the internet. This is very useful, but once again, we want to point out that Gemini should not be used for sensitive information.

Another great use case for Gemini is discovery and ideation. You can tell the chatbot exactly what you need to do, and it will give you some ideas to make it happen. Or you can ask it for suggestions on what to watch on YouTube. In the example below, we asked Gemini to provide us with some YouTube videos summarizing Apple's WWDC 2024 conference.

To get the most out of Gemini, you'll need to experiment and find its limitations. For the average Android user, Gemini's best features help with everyday tasks you never thought could be improved upon. This includes summarizing long articles and using the extension to answer questions in context. Having multimodal AI models built into your smartphone opens up a lot of possibilities. We hope we've given you some ideas on how you can use Gemini on your device.

Related Google Gemini Tips & Tricks: Leverage Google's most capable AI models

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