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Gen Z intern at Google three times shares tips for return offers


This summer she is working on Google Photos in Android Development in New York City, and previously worked on the Google Core and Shopping teams in Sunnyvale and Mountain View.

Qi encourages people to apply early for internships at Google, as she feels there are advantages to interviewing early in your college career: freshman interviews, for example, may not ask the highest level of technical questions.

But Qi says getting a return offer depends on everything you do after you get the job. She's received two return offers so far, and while there's no perfect formula, here are four tips she recommends to current Google interns who want to return:

Get to know your host

Interns at Google are assigned a host or manager, whom Qi considers “the most important person in your internship.”

According to Qi, at the end of the internship, the host must review the intern's performance. Evaluation criteria include improvement, communication with the team, code quality, etc.

Qi says that during her first internship, she met with her host once every two weeks. Now, she sees her host essentially every day, and things have changed. She talks with her host about her progress so far and any obstacles she's encountered.

When you need inspiration, visit a new office. Nancy Chi makes it a habit to visit another Google office on her hybrid days. Nancy Chi

Qi said one of the benefits of working at Google is the access to all of the offices. During her first internship, Qi said she visited a different office once a week on hybrid days, which she said kept her refreshed and inspired throughout the summer.

“I walked around the office every day in amazement, with my mouth open,” Chee said, “and so grateful to have had that experience.”

Chi said visiting different offices helped her stay motivated during her internship. “It never went away, like, 'Wow, I can't believe I got this internship,'” she said. She still does the ritual every Friday.

Get in touch with the team International Intern Day 2023 is one of many events offered by Google. Nancy Chi

Google offers a variety of events for employees, including team socials and lunches, and Qi encourages people to make the most of them.

Chee said he believes such events give the team a chance to get to know you better as a person, which could make them “more likely to support your career and want you to succeed.”

Chee said many of the full-time employees are keen to share their wisdom, and he has been able to gain valuable technical and social advice from employees he has become close with over the last year.

Besides networking and career development, Chi said the end-of-year review includes a section for adding testimonials from other Googlers who noticed his technical abilities or got to know him, and he believes being able to list people can be a key factor in changing jobs.

Please take your time to complete the evaluation form

Google interns do some self-reflection at the end of their internship, and Qi said he spends a lot of time on this.

At the end of each week, Qi writes down what she struggled with and what she accomplished. When she filled out a reflection report at the end of her final two summers at the company, she included screenshots and links to her weekly summaries.

She thinks it may have helped her get a second offer because it showed how hard she had worked on the internship: Even if it took her longer to complete certain tasks, evaluators could see her problem-solving process and how she approached each problem.




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