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Google Chrome should steal these 5 features from Arc Browser

Google Chrome should steal these 5 features from Arc Browser


If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Web browsers are such a legacy desktop app that developers have been hesitant to touch too much. And rightly so, given that many users and businesses rely on them for critical tasks in their routine workflows. Even the slightest shift in gears can cause unnecessary disruption. While web browsers like Google Chrome have remained largely unchanged for the last decade, Arc Browser is trying to do something no other browser has done before:

Arc is a complete re-imagining of the web browser, keeping the fundamentals intact while adding a much-needed modern touch. Its fresh approach has allowed us to build in some great features that Google Chrome doesn't have built in, so we're excited to bring some of Arc's compelling features into Arc.

1. Little Arc and Little Chrome can also be used

Source: Arc

Sometimes you just need to quickly view a page a colleague sent you via Slack, or for one-off uses like logging into a service, you don't need to have a browser open. Little Arc is perfect for these situations, as it lets you quickly view a web page by opening a small preview window without leaving the app, and then close it when you're done.

Even within the Arc browser, you can hold down the Shift key while clicking a link to open a floating window so you can peek at the page, then return to the main website you already have open without clogging up your top bar with unnecessary tabs.

It's so ingenious that after using it for a while, you'll wonder why a multi-trillion dollar company hasn't thought of it before.

2 App Integration Notice a pattern here?

Arc doesn't revolve around tabs (at least, it doesn't try to do so). This is evident in its approach to web browsing. Arc comes with integrations with many major services to minimize loading of browser tabs. For example, you can quickly check your upcoming events and unread emails from Google Calendar and Gmail in a small widget window right next to the pinned tabs section without having to open a new tab.

Many people keep Gmail open in a pinned tab all the time, but this adds clutter and slows down the browser. But this handy Arc feature can help. In addition to these two services, Arc supports integration with a variety of third-party services, including Microsoft Word, Notion, Figma, and it even has a mini player for Spotify. Like Arc, Chrome can also display an ongoing meeting in PiP mode, but it doesn't yet have the same extensive third-party app support as Arc.

3 Arc Max Maximum Productivity

Arc Max is a suite of AI tools for the browser that offers a number of interesting smart features, such as organizing cluttered pages when you have multiple tabs open, automatically renaming downloaded files so you can find them easily, and renaming tabs for quicker identification.

We've also improved the Cmd+F (Ctrl+F on Windows) shortcut, allowing you to ask and answer questions about the current page with AI, and we've integrated ChatGPT within the browser's search bar. Arc now displays a “Join” button directly in the sidebar 2 minutes before the meeting starts, so you don't have to manually search for the invite in Gmail or Calendar.

Arc Max may become a paid add-on in the future, but for now it's free to use. Given how intrusive Google has been lately, having AI features like this within Chrome may not be a distant dream. There are already some available.

Related What is ChatGPT?

Learn what ChatGPT is, how it works, what it can do, and how much it costs to use OpenAI's cutting-edge AI chatbot.

4. Encrypted sync You can almost hear Google laughing sinisterly.

Arc appears to be taking a strong stance on user privacy. The company claims it doesn't know what users search for, which websites they visit, or how long they stay there. Any telemetry data it collects is for internal use only and will not be sold to third parties.

The sync feature is also end-to-end encrypted by default, meaning that not even Arc can access your data while it's in transit. However, Arc can only sync the contents of your sidebar, such as spaces, folders, and tabs; browsing history, favorites, profiles, etc. are not yet supported.

Unfortunately, Google can't make the same claim, as it actively collects users' browsing data even when using Chrome's incognito mode.

5. Chrome's fresh and exciting form seems medieval by comparison

Source: Arc

While many browsers let you display tabs in a sidebar instead of at the top, Arc isn't trying to do just the bare minimum here. It reimagines how you use a web browser today to reduce the tab congestion we've become accustomed to, even though it has tools like tab grouping. Many of the features listed here let you do a lot without opening a new tab. This shows how Arc uses folders, spaces, and an AI-powered sidebar to organize far more efficiently than any other mainstream browser.

The website itself appears borderless (if you hide the sidebar) and looks like an app that fills the entire screen. Plus, not only can you customize the Arc theme, but Boost also lets you change the look of the website by tweaking things like fonts and background contrast.

At first glance, Arc may seem a little different than other browsers, but it only takes a few minutes to get used to it, and once you get past that stage, you'll be sad for putting up with an inferior browser.

Lead from the start

Arc is built on Chromium, just like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, so moving to Arc won't break anything. Extensions can be ported over, too. But even if you wanted to switch to Arc completely, you couldn't, largely because Arc isn't available on the best Android phones. Until Arc releases an Android app, we can only hope that Google and other browser makers will learn something from this newcomer and try to up their game.

Related: 10 Best Web Browsers for Android in 2024

There are a ton of browsers out there, but there are only a handful we can really recommend.




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