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Google has already removed my favorite feature in Android 15

Google has already removed my favorite feature in Android 15


Key takeaways Android 15 offers small but meaningful upgrades rather than a complete overhaul. A nice feature was the “notification cooldown” that reduced the amount of repetitive notifications. Google removed the cooldown feature from the Android 15 beta but may reintroduce it later.

Google's next big smartphone update, Android 15, sounds interesting so far, but the list of changes isn't huge. It's not a complete overhaul, but rather small, meaningful upgrades. Unfortunately, my favorite feature is no longer in the latest beta.

When I tried out early developer previews of Android 15 in February and March, I noticed some exciting features and usability improvements. Perhaps the best new feature is what Google is calling “notification cooldown.”

Many of us have had moments of notification overload, especially in group chats, Twitter, Slack, Asana, Facebook Messenger, etc., where messages buzz, loud noises ring, and our phones vibrate wildly. My family has a large group chat, and when it suddenly starts to get active, I have to reach for my phone and mute everything.

That's where Android 15's notification cooldown feature comes in (it's here), as Google explains: “Notification cooldown gradually reduces the volume of notifications when you receive many notifications in a row from the same app.”

In fact, after the first alert or notification goes off, Android 15 will drastically lower the volume and vibration strength if the next one arrives too quickly. Then, if notifications continue to come in from the same app or chat, they will gradually quieten down so you don't go crazy. You can enable it for all notifications or just for conversations. It's basically a feature that batches notifications together and lowers their volume. I like this. At least, I like it.

Of course, you don't want to miss an important message from your boss or coworkers, so the “cool down” period is relatively short: after a few minutes of silence, the volume will return to normal levels if another notification arrives, so you won't miss anything.

Justin Duino / How-To Geek

Cooling down would be great. We all do too much doomscrolling or get too many notifications, and this could alleviate some of the pain and distraction from our phones and other people in the office. I'd love a phone that could figure out what was bothering me and automatically turn down the notification volume.

Unfortunately, Google has already deprecated the feature, removing it from Android 15, at least for now. It was included in early developer previews, but was gone from the first beta and is no longer available in the latest Android 15 beta 2.

Has Google done away with it altogether? Who knows. The search giant made improvements to the notification cooldown during its developer period, including tweaking vibration, so the removal could have just been to refine it before bringing it back. Google could be working on this behind the scenes, testing different ways to make the cooldown more effective. If so, it may be reintroduced when Android 15 officially launches on Pixel, Galaxy smartphones, and more later this year.

It's no secret that Google has a tendency to discontinue software, services, apps, or products at any time and nothing is guaranteed. However, this isn't the first time that a feature introduced in an early version of Android has been discontinued only to be resurrected as an entirely different feature or with a new, flashy name.

Hey Google, “notification cooldown” might be the best feature of Android 15, so please bring it back.




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