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Students surpass Google | Daily Inter Lake

Students surpass Google | Daily Inter Lake


Many adults may not know the difference between primary and secondary sources. I had to look it up to be sure.

But many at Bigfork certainly do: Surrounded by the products of artificial intelligence, bots and deepfakes, a generation of kids will have to develop finely tuned filters.

Ava Sewell, who created an exhibit about Pearl Harbor with classmates Kent Fernlander and Ella Tidwell for Bigfork High School's recent history fair, said online videos can sometimes appear to be primary sources, but on closer inspection they aren't. She paused, chuckling as her colleagues nodded.

Inspired by National History Day, 80 students produced 50 projects (papers, exhibits, documentaries and websites) in response to this year's theme, “Turning Points in U.S. History.”

Teachers Cynthia Willondek and Annmari Cicone led the effort, and school librarian Scarlett Sherman assisted with research.

“We are mandating the use of a database that the schools pay for,” Sherman said, adding that students who go on to college are getting a taste of college life.

They learn how to go beyond Google.

The fair was open to the public and was judged by local residents and experts in the field, showcasing the strengths that schools can bring to the table.

On a morning in late May, 17 jurors volunteered to join us for what my co-judge Sherman described as “overwhelming.” We judged eight group shows, with the artists who made the works standing nearby.

“These kids have been practicing for seven weeks. They're more nervous than you are,” Willondek said during the judges' briefing. “They're more eager to hear your feedback than we are. You're real people.”

We tried to keep many objectives in mind: sourcing and attribution, thesis and support, context and accuracy, etc. In addition to these academic matters, we also dwelt on history.

One hidden event whose significance only becomes clear in retrospect is the publication of Amelia Symons' cookbook in 1796, the first book to define American cuisine. Using edible multimedia, the exhibit's creators created a Puck-like cupcake from Symons' recipe, which they displayed next to a fluffier, more frosted, modern version of the same shape.

Earlier, in another exhibit, we learned about volunteer poison squads, who consumed poisoned foods for consumer safety. The squads had waiting lists. Their efforts and those of others helped lead to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which banned, for example, the adulteration of food with borax.

We also examined September 11th from the perspective of airport security and public health, Three Mile Island, and a day that will live in infamy.

Finally, we arrived at an exhibit on wolf reintroduction, where Clint Rooney, in a sharp shirt and Ford snapback hat, smiled and explained, “The government eradicated wolves, and now they're bringing them back.”

The exhibit stated that the decline in wolf population has led to an increase in moose and defoliation.

Vin Stevens, the exhibit's co-creator, had talked about possibly working in wildlife management, and we were amazed at the incredible paper cutting and pasting feats required to create the exhibit. “It gave me carpal tunnel syndrome,” he laughed.

Margaret E. Davis, executive director of the Northwest Montana History Museum, can be reached at [email protected].




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