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Tesla vehicles power rental housing construction through Propicloud's innovative technology platform

Tesla vehicles power rental housing construction through Propicloud's innovative technology platform


Monday, June 17, 2024 9:48 AM Press Release: Propicloud

“One of Tesla's executives introduced us to their software team, who helped us with the steps to integrate Tesla vehicles into our platform. Truly amazing people. This is a true example of Kiwi ingenuity and possibly a world first in this space,” said Mussi Sheikh, founder of Propicloud. “As the world's largest asset class, residential real estate is ripe for transformative innovation. Introducing a fresh and dynamic approach can propel the sector into a new era of efficiency and sustainability. The US's energy for and willingness to support new ideas, combined with the resourcefulness of Kiwis makes for a great one-two combo.”

In an industry first, Propicloud has integrated Tesla electric vehicles into Build-to-Rent (BTR) projects. As part of a comprehensive platform that manages all aspects of tenant life, including rental applications, residential services, reward systems, and service requests, the new feature enables residents of partnered BTR developments to easily manage their living space and book a Tesla for errands and commutes with just a click. The integration addresses vehicle availability issues in high-density residential areas and highlights Propicloud's commitment to enhancing urban living with sustainable and advanced technology solutions.

The New Zealand Government recognises the transformative potential of rental housing development and is supporting the sector as a solution to the country's significant house affordability issues. It is hoped that increased investment, particularly from overseas, will significantly increase the supply of quality rental housing, alleviating the housing shortage, improving economic conditions and enhancing the quality of life for New Zealanders.


In Australia, the opportunity for Propicloud’s BTR technology is enormous, with key developments in 2023 illustrating this. Sentinel has secured A$1.5 billion from PGGM for projects in Gold Coast and North Melbourne, while Lendlease has partnered with Daiwa House and Quadreal for major developments in Melbourne and Brisbane. Hines, backed by Cadillac Fairview, is progressing with a project in South Melbourne, while Greystar has acquired sites in Zetland and Collingwood. Home and Mirvac are expanding with new projects and funding, while Novus has acquired sites in South Melbourne and Chatswood. Federal Government programs such as HAFF and NHAF are further supporting affordable housing, highlighting the potential of Propicloud’s technology to transform urban living in Australia.

The BTR sector represents a significant and rapidly growing opportunity in the real estate market, particularly as urban populations continue to expand and housing affordability becomes a significant issue globally. Urbanization is driving the BTR market, increasing demand for flexible, high-quality housing options. BTR developments offer professionally managed residential units on long-term leases, providing stability for occupants and predictable returns for investors.

About Propicloud

Propicloud is a leading technology company developing advanced solutions designed to transform urban living. Specializing in a complete Build-to-Rent platform that manages everything from services and rewards to lease applications, Propicloud integrates vehicle booking systems, smart home technology and community management capabilities, setting new benchmarks in the real estate and technology sectors. Proudly Made in New Zealand.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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