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Google and Vogue partner to explore the legendary magazine's history through 15,000 images

Google and Vogue partner to explore the legendary magazine's history through 15,000 images


If you love fashion, you can't miss The Vogue Archive, a website that looks back on the magazine's 132-year history with fascinating stories and thousands of images. Google has compiled 132 years of Vogue history in this online archive of 15,000 timeless images. Vogue Archive Photographers

The first issue of Vogue magazine hit the shelves on December 17, 1892. In the 132 years since its launch, this now legendary fashion magazine has gone through many editions. Google wanted to recognize the importance of Vogue by working with the magazine itself to create the Vogue Archive. If you love fashion and, above all, reviewing past collections, this is a website you cannot miss.

As the name suggests, The Vogue Archive is an online Vogue archive that traces the history of the magazine. It consists of 15,000 different images and some very interesting text that will help you learn how Vogue evolved during its 132-year lifespan. The content is divided into different folders such as photographers, designers, cover stars, etc., so you can access photos based on your personal interests.

Vogue Archive, a new Google Arts & Culture project

The Vogue Archive was born out of a direct collaboration between Google Arts & Culture, the arts and culture division of Google, and Vogue's publisher, Cond Nast. This union resulted in an online collection that looks back at the history of the magazine since its launch in 1892. For example, the Vogue Archive finds that the magazine's first photographed covers were taken on July 1, 1932, before any editions were published. They consisted of illustrations.

The online archive is made up of many other stories that allow us to understand the importance of Vogue in culture, art, and society. The magazine claims that the inclusion of women in the workforce was key in the 1970s, and demonstrates this with dozens of photographs accompanied by captions.

With the Vogue Archive, you can learn some very interesting facts about the magazine's history. Photo credit: Vogue Archive

In The Vogue Archive, you can also learn about the birth of the miniskirt and the relationship between art and fashion in the different editions of the magazine. If you're only interested in photographers, cover stars, and clothing designers, you can go directly to this type of content as the stock photos are divided into these different categories.

Google has created an online archive that goes a step further, dividing the content into categories of clothing: you can see, for example, historical Vogue images featuring dogs, images featuring hats, and images with a sports theme.

Vogue images are organized into different folders by brand, photographer, etc. Photo credit: Vogue Archive

In short, The Vogue Archive is the perfect website if you want to review old fashion collections. Specifically, it gives you free access to 15,000 timeless Vogue images belonging to about 600 different editions. Please note that the Spanish version of this website is automatically translated, so you may find spelling mistakes.

In addition to looking back at the history of Vogue, there's other things you can do with Google Arts & Culture. If you love culture and art, this section of Google is perfect for you, because you can visit museums without leaving your home, turn your selfies into works of art, and learn about Van Gogh's relationship with love.

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