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Can governments turn the AI ​​safety debate into action?

Can governments turn the AI ​​safety debate into action?


Andriy Onufrienko/Getty Images

At the Asia Tech x Singapore 2024 summit, several speakers engaged in high-level discussions to raise awareness about the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) safety and prepare to put it into action. Many speakers aimed to equip everyone, from organizations to individuals, with the tools to successfully adopt this technology.

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“Real, practical action. That's what's missing,” Telenor Group head of research and innovation Jeva Martynekayte told ZDNET on the sidelines of the summit. Martynekayte is also a board member of Norway's Open AI Lab and a member of Singapore's Advisory Committee on the Ethical Use of AI and Data. She also served as an expert member of the European Commission's High-Level Expert Group on AI from 2018 to 2020.

Martinekate noted that government officials are also beginning to recognize the problem.

Delegates at the conference, which included top government officials from around the world, quipped that attending high-level AI Safety Summit meetings, most recently held in South Korea and the UK, was merely burning jet fuel, as there were still few concrete steps to be taken.

It's time for governments and international organizations to start putting playbooks, frameworks and benchmarking tools in place to ensure companies and users are adopting and using AI safely, Martinekayte said, adding that continued investment is also needed to drive these efforts.

AI-generated deepfakes in particular pose significant risks and could affect critical infrastructure, she warned. Deepfakes are already a reality, with images and videos of politicians, celebrities, and even Taylor Swift being leaked.

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Martinekaytė added that the technology is more sophisticated than it was a year ago, making deepfakes harder to spot, and that cybercriminals could use it to steal credentials and gain unauthorized access to systems and data.

“Hackers aren't hacking, they're logging in,” she says. This is a critical issue in some sectors, such as communications, where deepfakes could be used to infiltrate critical infrastructure and amplify cyberattacks. Martynekate noted that employee IDs can be forged to gain access to data centers and IT systems, adding that if this inertia is allowed to continue unchecked, the world is at risk of devastating attacks.

Users need to be equipped with the training and tools they need to identify and combat these risks, she said. Technologies to detect and prevent AI-generated content, including text and images, such as digital watermarking and media forensics, also need to be developed. Martinekaytė believes this should happen in tandem with legislation and international cooperation.

However, she noted that the legislative framework should not regulate the technology, as this could stifle AI innovation and affect potential advances in medicine, for example.

Instead, regulations should address the sectors most affected by deepfake technology, such as critical infrastructure and government services, so requirements like watermarking, source authentication, and putting in place guardrails on data access and tracking could be introduced in high-risk sectors and for the tech providers involved, Martinekayte said.

Microsoft Chief Executive Natasha Crampton said the company has seen an increase in deepfakes, non-consensual imagery and cyberbullying. During a summit panel, Crampton said the company is focused on tracking false online content related to the election, especially with multiple elections this year.

Stephan Schnoor, Germany's State Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, said deepfakes could spread false information, mislead voters and undermine trust in democratic institutions.

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Preventing this also requires efforts to protect personal data and privacy, Schnoor added. He stressed the need for international cooperation and for technology companies to comply with cyber laws enacted to promote AI safety, such as the EU's AI law.

Zeng Yi, director of the Laboratory of Brain-Inspired Cognitive Intelligence and the International Research Centre for AI Ethics and Governance at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said deepfakes could influence decision-making if allowed to persist indefinitely.

Zeng also stressed the need for international cooperation, suggesting that deepfake “observatory” facilities should be established around the world to better understand disinformation and facilitate the exchange of information to prevent the spread of deepfake content in different countries.

A global infrastructure for checking facts and disinformation could also help educate the public about deepfakes, he said.

Singapore updates AI governance framework

Meanwhile, Singapore has released the final version of its governance framework for generative AI, expanding on its existing AI governance framework, which was first introduced in 2019 and last updated in 2020.

GenAI's model AI governance framework sets out a “systematic and balanced” approach that, according to Singapore, balances the need to address GenAI's concerns and drive innovation. It covers nine aspects, including incident reporting, content provenance, security, and testing and assurance, and offers suggestions on initial steps to take.

In a later phase, AI Verify, the group behind the framework, plans to add more detailed guidelines and resources across the nine dimensions. They also plan to map the governance framework to international AI guidelines, such as the G7 Hiroshima Principles, to support interoperability.

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To realise Singapore's vision of AI for good, good governance is as important as innovation and will help enable sustained innovation, said Singapore's Minister for Communications and Information and Minister for Smart Nation and Cyber ​​Security Josephine Teo in her speech at the summit.

“We need to recognise that addressing the harmful effects of AI is one thing, and preventing it through proper design and upstream measures to stop it happening in the first place,” said Teo, adding that risk mitigation measures are essential and new “evidence-based” regulations could lead to more meaningful and impactful AI governance.

In tandem with establishing AI governance, Singapore also aims to strengthen its governance capabilities, including building an advanced technology centre for online safety with a focus on malicious AI-generated online content.

Users also need to understand the risks. Teo noted that it is in the public interest for organizations that use AI to understand its limitations as well as its benefits.

Teo believes companies should be equipped with the right mindset, capabilities and tools to do so, adding that Singapore's Model AI Governance Framework provides practical guidelines on what should be implemented as safeguards, and also sets out baseline requirements for AI adoption, regardless of a company's size or resources.

For Telenor, AI governance also means monitoring the use of new AI tools and reassessing potential risks, according to Martinekaytė. The Norwegian telecommunications company is currently piloting Microsoft Copilot, built on OpenAI technology, against Telenor’s own AI ethics principles.

Asked if the recent spat over OpenAI's voice mode had affected trust in the use of the technology, Martinekayte said large companies that run critical infrastructure like Telenor have the capacity and checks in place to ensure they are deploying trusted AI tools, including third-party platforms like OpenAI. This also includes working with partners such as cloud providers and smaller solution providers to understand and learn from the tools they are using.

Telenor created a task force last year to oversee the responsible adoption of AI, which Martinekaytė explained includes establishing principles for employees to follow, creating rulebooks and tools to guide the use of AI, and setting standards for partners, including Microsoft, to adhere to.

These are to ensure the technology the company uses is legal and safe, she added.Telenor also has an internal team that will review its risk management and governance structures in light of its use of GenAI. The team will evaluate the tools and measures needed to ensure the right governance structures are in place to manage the use of AI in high-risk areas, Martinekayte noted.

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As organizations use their own data to train and fine-tune large-scale language models and smaller-scale AI models, Martinekaite believes we will see increased discussion between businesses and AI developers about how this data should be used and managed.

She also believes that the need to comply with new legislation such as the EU AI law will further fuel these discussions as companies seek to ensure they meet additional requirements for high-risk AI deployments — for example, they will need to know how AI training data is curated and tracked.

Organizations will come under increased scrutiny and concern, and will need to closely examine the contracts they enter into with AI developers.




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