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Advanced technologies key to help India achieve ambitious emissions reduction targets, ET EnergyWorld

Advanced technologies key to help India achieve ambitious emissions reduction targets, ET EnergyWorld


NEW DELHI: Energy efficiency can reduce India's greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50%, according to insights shared at the ETEnergyworld India Net Zero Forum. During the discussion, which was part of a panel titled “Technology and Innovation – Leading India's Energy Path”, industry leaders highlighted the critical role that advanced technologies will play in achieving these significant reductions.

Ashok Kumar, Additional Director, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, highlighted the potential of energy conservation measures: “Energy efficiency is expected to contribute significantly to climate change mitigation and estimates by organizations such as the IEA suggest that it could account for 40-50 percent of emissions reduction efforts,” he said.

C. Laxma Reddy, Executive Director, ONGC Ltd, provided a historical perspective on the impact of traditional energy sources on the environment: “We have some gratitude for the oil and gas industry's role in delaying the onset of climate change. Without oil and gas, we may have become heavily dependent on even more polluting sources of energy like wood and coal,” Reddy pointed out.

The panel also discussed the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the energy sector. Rajiv Agarwal, Director (Technology), Engineers India Ltd, highlighted their role in improving operational efficiency. “AI and ML are transforming predictive maintenance in the oil and gas industry, which has traditionally spent a lot of money on maintaining complex equipment. Now, AI tools help in monitoring key indicators such as machine vibrations and operating temperatures, significantly improving maintenance efficiency,” Agarwal explained.

Raman Kalra, senior partner and vice president at IBM Consulting, pointed out the benefits of AI and ML in grid management: “AI and ML are proving to be extremely beneficial at the transformer level in low-voltage grids and substations, leading to improved focus, prevention of outages, and reduced breakdowns and need for maintenance,” Kalra said.

Shubhasith Dey, Director of Climate Policy and Climate Finance at Shakti Foundation for Sustainable Energy, highlighted the need for focused investment in energy storage solutions. “For RTC Power, energy storage systems are one of the most important aspects for governments and industry to consider. Observing the progress made in China, similar incentives and infrastructure funds need to be structured to support the ecosystem changes required for the implementation of solar PV and other battery storage solutions,” Dey said.

Sudhir Pathak, head of central design and engineering at Hero Future Energies, touched on the reliability challenges associated with renewable energy. “Renewables are great when they work well, but they can be a pain when something goes wrong,” Pathak said. Published on Jun 17, 2024 at 07:23 IST

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