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3 ways successful tech companies attract and retain top talent

3 ways successful tech companies attract and retain top talent


Tal Duggan, CPO, Atera;


Layoffs at major tech companies in recent months have left thousands of veteran and emerging tech talent seeking new jobs. Startups and mid-sized tech companies that are still hiring will be excited about the possibility of hiring former MLB players to help grow their business. However, some may be looking to enter new areas of tech, in which case they will need to upgrade their current skill sets.

With this in mind, here are some ways you can empower prospects, new hires, and experienced team members to reskill in order to drive engagement in the workplace, support recruiting efforts, and encourage existing employees to stay with your company for the long term.

1. Focus on productivity.

As a technology company, it's important to consider the software and technology you're using internally. By introducing more automation and giving your employees the tools to handle the administrative, mundane tasks they hate, you're giving your employees the opportunity to add strategic value to the business, rather than keeping the cogs turning behind the scenes.

Productivity tools also support a remote work culture, which is essential for employee retention. Piers Hudson, Senior Director at Gartner HR, comments that this is one of the main reasons for the decline in employee turnover. Leaders' efforts to restore the organization's pre-pandemic normal ways of working are clashing with a workforce that has largely normalized working in a hybrid environment.

2. Help employees learn new skills.

The latest Future of Jobs Report predicts that 50% of the global workforce will require reskilling by 2025. Nine in 10 employees want more learning and development (L&D) opportunities from their employers, meaning employees are more likely to stay with a company in the long term if their employer opens professional doors for their growth.

Tech companies need skilled talent now more than ever. So why not encourage reskilling and upskilling from your existing talent pool? I've seen this work in action at my company, with office managers becoming developers and technical CSMs switching to product development. These employees are now some of our most engaged employees.

When it comes to upskilling or reskilling, we may immediately think of hard skills like coding and web development, but don't forget about soft skills. The Future of Jobs report lists analytical thinking and innovation, active learning, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity and originality as the top 10 skills that will be in demand by 2025. This isn't surprising; of course, technology and creativity go hand in hand. Where would we be without the creative solutions that IT professionals deliver every day?

Employees need to know that there is a path for them to grow and progress within the organization, both in terms of practical and personal skills. It can be very effective if companies facilitate that path with in-house training, external courses, and even cross-department mentorship and brainstorming.

3. Establish a positive work culture. (Hint: it starts at the top.)

Company culture starts at the top, whether in or out of the office, and that means emphasizing core values ​​from the C-suite down. Consider these ideas:

Look for team-building opportunities everywhere you go.

A collaborative culture is essential for any tech company to succeed, and when teams suddenly find themselves more fragmented than ever before, working with digital tools and rarely seeing each other face-to-face, you need a strategy to balance that.

Create a communication channel (in a program like Slack) just for status updates and sharing cat memes. Prioritize brainstorming sessions and one-on-one meetings (don't cancel them if you feel they're necessary). Encourage team members to come into the office when they need to – not because it's Thursday, but because you've scheduled a team session that makes employees feel like their commute was well worth it.

Take care of your personal and professional interests.

I once heard a colleague at work say, “People don't quit companies, they quit their bosses.” It's all about mutual trust. Employers believe that people quit mainly because of poor benefits and work-life balance, but employees believe that they quit because they feel unappreciated by their bosses or don't have a strong sense of belonging at work.

Ask yourself: Are employees able to express the difficulties they face at work? And do managers feel they can share their challenges with their superiors? This culture of honesty and openness needs to start from day one of the hiring process. A lack of openness regarding work expectations and company maturity will put new hires at risk from the moment they join the company.

Provide employees with opportunities to act autonomously.

According to Harvard Business Review, autonomy is the new flexibility. A hybrid work policy is only useful if employees can embrace it in a way that works for them. Offering staff two options for professional development isn't supportive if neither of them moves employees in the direction they want.

Rather than calling employees back to the office, it's time to embrace what Gartner calls human-centered work design. Successful companies are placing a renewed focus on providing the autonomy that maximizes productivity and empowering employees to thrive professionally and personally.

Employee happiness is said to be the future of work, but what's really exciting is that focusing on your employees can also be a powerful driver of growth for your own business.


By providing employees with better tools, companies see direct benefits in terms of productivity and outcomes. By increasing opportunities for professional and personal growth, upskilling and reskilling closes the talent gap. By fostering a top-down culture of mutual respect and autonomy, companies can attract and retain employees more effectively while building a stronger future for their own companies.

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