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TDK succeeds in developing material for solid-state batteries with 100 times the energy density

TDK succeeds in developing material for solid-state batteries with 100 times the energy density


June 17, 2024

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) has succeeded in developing materials for its next-generation all-solid-state battery, “CeraCharge,” which has an energy density of 1,000Wh/L, approximately 100 times that of TDK’s conventional all-solid-state batteries.

TDK's technology aims to replace existing coin-cell batteries and is intended to be a solution that can be used in a variety of wearable devices such as wireless earphones, hearing aids and even smartwatches.

TDK has developed new solid-state battery materials that utilize its proprietary material technology and adopt an oxide-based solid electrolyte and lithium alloy anode to achieve significantly higher energy density than TDK's conventional mass-produced solid-state battery (type: CeraCharge). The use of an oxide-based solid electrolyte ensures extremely high safety, and it is intended for use in devices that come into direct contact with the human body, such as wearable devices. EU battery regulations require the replacement of coin-type primary batteries with rechargeable batteries, and this battery can be used as a battery that complies with these regulations, and is expected to contribute to reducing the environmental impact.

TDK will continue to develop battery cells and package structure designs and move forward with mass production in order to develop new solid-state batteries. In addition, by applying the production technologies it has cultivated in its electronic components business, TDK aims to increase the capacity of batteries and expand their operating temperature range through multi-layer lamination technology.

Main applications Wireless earphones, hearing aids, smart watches, and other wearable devices Environmental sensors Replacement for coin-cell batteries Main features and benefits The use of an oxide-based solid electrolyte ensures extremely high battery safety. Miniaturization and high capacity contribute to the miniaturization of devices and extended operating times. About TDK Corporation

TDK Corporation is a global leader in electronic solutions for a smart society, headquartered in Tokyo. With mastery in materials science as its foundation, TDK stands firmly at the forefront of technological evolution and welcomes social transformation by purposefully drawing tomorrow. The company was founded in 1935 to commercialize ferrite, a key material for electronic and magnetic products. TDK's comprehensive, innovation-driven portfolio includes passive components such as ceramic, aluminum electrolytic and film capacitors, magnetic, high frequency, piezoelectric and protection devices. The product range also includes sensors and sensor systems such as temperature and pressure, magnetic and MEMS sensors. In addition, TDK offers power and energy devices, magnetic heads and more. These products are sold under the product brands TDK, EPCOS, InvenSense, Micronas, Tronics and TDK-Lambda. TDK focuses on the demanding markets of automotive, industrial and consumer electronics, and information and communication technology. The company has a network of design and manufacturing sites and sales offices in Asia, Europe, North America and South America. The company expects total revenue of $14.6 billion in fiscal year 2024 and has approximately 101,000 employees worldwide.

For more information on existing CeraCharge products, please visit:

Media Contacts Region Contact Phone Email Japan Tomohiro Kanno TDK Corporation Tokyo, Japan +813 6778-1055 [email protected]




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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