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Maj. Gen. William H. Seely III appointed next commander of Virginia Tech's Corps of Cadets | Virginia Tech News

Maj. Gen. William H. Seely III appointed next commander of Virginia Tech's Corps of Cadets | Virginia Tech News


U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. William H. Seely III has been named the next commandant of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and will officially assume his new role following his planned retirement from active duty in the spring of 2025.

Seely will succeed Maj. Gen. Randall Fullhart, whose term as commander will officially end on July 1.

As commander, Seely will serve as the university's highest ranking military officer and provide strategic guidance, direction and oversight to ensure the overall success and effectiveness of the corps.

“The Corps of Cadets is an important part of Virginia Tech's identity, as the university was founded as a military, land-grant institution and has grown into a leading research university and senior military college,” said Virginia Tech President Tim Sands. “We look forward to advancing the Corps of Cadets' role in the university's mission under Major General Seely's leadership. His experience, accomplishments and exemplary military career will serve as an inspiration to our cadets who will be the global, ethical leaders of tomorrow.”

“I am filled with excitement as I assume this prestigious position, as Virginia Tech is a great university with a tradition of great leadership within the Corps,” Seely said. “I look forward to working across the university and developing outstanding officers and civilian leaders in both military and non-military environments.”

Seeley has held key leadership roles throughout his 35-year military career, including serving as a Signal Platoon Leader with H&S Company, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from 1990 to 1992, a Company Commander with India Company, Marine Corps Cryptography Support Battalion, Kunia, Hawaii from 2000 to 2002, and a Battalion Commander with 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division from 2006 to 2008. Additionally, he served as the Commander of the Marine Corps Intelligence School, Training Command from 2011 to 2013, led Task Force Iraq as part of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve from 2019 to 2020, and served as the Director of Joint Service Staff College from 2020 to 2021. He currently serves as the Director of the National Defense University, Eisenhower, Washington, DC.

Mr. Seely has held numerous positions that demonstrate his versatility and strategic acumen, including serving as the S-2, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion from 1992-1993, Deputy G-2 and Chief of G-2 Operations at Marine Corps Central Command from 2002-2003, and Director of Intelligence and Integration at Marine Corps Combat Development Command from 2010-2011. Notably, he also served as Director of Intelligence for the Commander, Combined Joint Force Land Forces, Iraq from 2015-2016.

Seely has also received numerous military awards, including the Defense Outstanding Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Legion Meritorious Service Medal with Gold Star, Bronze Star with two gold stars and a Combat V badge, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with Gold Star, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars, Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal and Combat Action Ribbon.

“Throughout his 35-year military career, Maj. Gen. Seely has distinguished himself as a highly respected leader guided by dedication to service, personal and professional ethics, and strong character,” said Executive Vice President and Dean Cyril Clark. “The experience and expertise he brings to Virginia Tech will be invaluable to the Corps of Cadets and to the development of military and civilian leaders through the tenets of Ut Prosim. I look forward to working with Maj. Gen. Seely and having him as part of the university's leadership team.”

Additionally, Seeles’ educational background includes a bachelor’s degree from American University and master’s degrees from Oklahoma State University, the National Intelligence University and the Naval War College.

“I am very pleased that General Seely has agreed to serve as the next Commandant of Cadets,” said Vice President for Student Affairs Frances Keene, “and I have no doubt that Maj. Gen. Seely will lead the corps' leadership and further expand the corps' honorable traditions.”

Until Seeles arrives, retired U.S. Army Reserve Brigadier General Dwayne Edwards, dean of Virginia Tech's School of Biological Systems Engineering, will serve as interim commander.

“I am honored to serve as Virginia Tech's interim commander,” Edwards said. “It is a special honor to be part of such a storied organization dedicated to developing our nation's future leaders, continuing its traditions of excellence, and supporting our new commander, Maj. Gen. Seely.”




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