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Nikon's new $2,500 Z6 III is the world's first camera with a partially stacked CMOS sensor

Nikon's new $2,500 Z6 III is the world's first camera with a partially stacked CMOS sensor


When I started taking photos with a Nikon rep recently, he told me it was only a matter of time before I became a birdwatcher, because eventually a photographer will run out of things to photograph and there will be only one thing left to master: birds. Advances in sensor technology have made birds much easier to photograph.

The Nikon Z6 III has a moveable rear screen, typical of a photo/video hybrid camera.

During this photo walk, I spent a few hours with the new $2,500 Nikon Z6 III. The big news about this camera is its 24.5-megapixel partially stacked CMOS sensor. This is the first camera to employ this technology. Instead of both the circuitry and pixel area extending completely from corner to corner of the image sensor and overlapping each other, as in the more expensive Nikon Z9 and Nikon Z8, or not being stacked at all as in the older Nikon Z6 II, the Z6 III's circuitry is stacked as bars on the top and bottom of the pixel area.

As a result, using the BSI CMOS sensor in electronic shutter mode allows for faster continuous shooting speeds, faster autofocus, higher video frame rates, and less rolling shutter effect than the previous generation Z6 II. However, this also means that the Z6 III is not as fast as the more premium Z8 and Z9, which have fully stacked sensors. Simply put, by partially stacking the sensors, Nikon was able to keep the price of this camera lower than the Z8 and Z9 while still delivering significantly better performance than the previous generation.

Other notable updates include the Z6 III's super bright electronic viewfinder, which hits 4,000 nits of peak brightness, and the camera's ability to shoot 6K RAW video at up to 60fps and 4K RAW at up to 120fps. Nikon is also promising Z8-level quality, with the camera being dust- and moisture-resistant and guaranteed to operate up to 14F/10C. Simply put, Nikon makes an incredibly durable camera that doesn't skimp on specs, and one that can turn any photographer into a birdwatcher.

The handgrip on the Nikon Z6 III is deep enough to be comfortable even during extended periods of use.

I chose the Staten Island Ferry for my photo walk with the Z6 III because it offers endless people-watching opportunities and great views of lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Add to that the ship's iconic orange color and I was sure it would make for at least a few great photos. What I hadn't really paid much attention to were the birds that use the ship's slipstream to cross the harbor.

While the Z6 III doesn't have a dedicated bird focus mode, Nikon claims that the autofocus is 20% faster than the Z6 II and more sensitive in low light conditions with an extended range down to -10EV. Also, I had no trouble at all locking on to a bird behind the ferry. Within minutes of taking off from Lower Manhattan, I was swinging the Z6 III from left to right trying to photograph a seagull. Finally, I got clever and framed One World Trade Center and waited for a bird to cross the frame. And as soon as the bird was in the frame, the camera locked on to the moving object that was the seagull. Within a few minutes, I had taken over 100 photos.

Photo taken with Nikon Z6 III + Nikon NIKKOR Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR lens

Of course, that got me thinking, what on earth am I going to do with these bird photos? Which is why I want to thank you all for clicking through the slideshow above and giving meaning to my new passion for photographing birds.

Like the Z8 and Z9, Nikon is increasingly producing cameras that are so responsive and intuitive that you no longer have to spend so much time thinking about issues like focus, camera shake, shutter speed, etc. You can just point the camera in any direction and get something that's instantly in focus.

That being said, I only had a few hours to test with this camera. I didn't have low light conditions to test the ISO range or low light autofocus, multiple subjects to test skin tone rendition, or ND filters to get the right video exposure to test 6K RAW. It was a lot of fun, and I'm now a certified birdwatcher, but there's still a lot more testing to be done with this new partially stacked sensor technology. But in my short time with this camera, I can confidently say that it never felt like a step back. The Z6 III is available starting today for $2,500.




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