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McLaren Artura Spider Review 2024

McLaren Artura Spider Review 2024


The Artura hasn't had the smoothest start. In summary, it's the first of a new generation of McLarens, an all-new hybrid model that combines ICE with electric motors and plug-in capability. With improved overall performance and improved efficiency, it's a supercar that sounds holy when you step on the gas and can cruise silently around town with an air of self-congratulation.

That was the aim, anyway. Unfortunately, the Artura v1.0 was delayed and, when it finally did launch, was plagued by a variety of issues — some of the company's own fault, others by forces beyond its control. Though McLaren explicitly hasn't said so, the arrival of the Artura Spider represents an early reboot of the entire model, one that also includes some upgrades.

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Hmm. Good thing they finally got there. So, what's new?

Well, the most obvious is that the Spider now comes with a folding hardtop roof to make it even more sensational and a bit different looking. McLaren says the other changes promise to deliver more power, performance and driver engagement. It's fair to say that these guys are fans of former British Cycling boss Steve Brailsford's marginal gains philosophy. They're not going to stop at improvements, but as always with McLaren, the devil is in the details. The hybridized 3.0-liter twin-turbo V6 is just right sized, with a total output of 700PS (an unspectacular, but still very useful 690bhp). That's 20bhp more than the Artura v1.0, an upgrade McLaren dealers will offer free of charge to previous car owners.

It was and still is a fantastic engine. Weighing just 160kg, it's 50kg lighter than the 4.0-litre V8 that powered most McLarens to date. It's also incredibly compact, with a low centre of gravity. The cylinders are arranged at a 120-degree angle rather than a 90-degree V, which also reduces exhaust pressure losses. The twin turbos are arranged in a hot-V configuration, which means they spin faster, which has a positive effect on throttle response.

The Artura v2.0 also gets a revised exhaust system, with new resonators and conical tailpipes that sharpen the engine note at mid- and high-revs. I remember discussing the finer points of the engine soundtrack with McLaren CEO Michael Leiters, back when he was still Ferrari's technical wizard; he likes his sports cars to sound operatic.

There are other changes for MY25, Artura. New engine mounts limit powertrain movement within the chassis, particularly under load. As a result, stability, steering feel and agility are said to have all been improved. The adaptive dampers get new valving, and changes to the control software mean faster and sharper response times for even sharper body control.

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What about the hybrid part of the mix? Are there any changes?

The Artura uses the same axial e-motor integrated into the gearbox bellhousing; McLaren's engineers found space by eliminating reverse gear, with the e-motor taking over that role. It still produces the same 94bhp and 166lb ft of power as before, but the power comes on a little sooner than before, and power is drawn from a 7.4kWh battery pack packaged behind the seats.

The electric mode range has increased from 19 to 21 miles. This is a small increase that disappears in real-world use, but it shows what can be achieved with improved energy density. It's a small improvement. It's also worth noting that the Arturas chassis now has an embedded Ethernet electrical network, reducing cabling by 25 percent and increasing data capacity and speed, another weight saving.

What about the spider part?

That's thanks to a carbon-composite folding hardtop that's powered by eight electric motors and activated via the key fob or a switch mounted centrally above the interior lights. It takes 11 seconds to open or close, and works at a top speed of 31 mph. Optional electrochromic glass panels (scroll through the gallery above) can be activated with another push of a button to block 99 percent of the sun's rays and use something called Suspended Particle technology to reduce heat transfer. The small heated rear screen can also be raised and lowered electrically to regulate wind and noise.

One of the coupe's standout styling features, the Arturas features glass sections to improve rear visibility, some aero-thermal tricks including new ducts to keep the engine cool even with the roof stowed up, and a reshaped windscreen that wraps around a mini-Gurney flap to reduce buffeting in the cabin.

Overall, the McLaren Artura Spider is a cleverly packaged car, and with its superforming aluminium body panels it's more complex than it looks.

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What was the verdict?

It's a very impressive car, and while it's easy to drive fast, the more you drive it the more its charms become apparent.

Bandwidth is key here. With the Spyder, and now version 2.0, the Artura has gained some missing character while also shedding the devil that marred its early days. To single out comfort and ease of use alone is like a prelude to damning it with muted praise until you find a stretch of road where the chassis really shines. This is a very impressive car, quick and easy to drive, but the more you drive it the more its charms become apparent.

The exterior design remains a little plain for this type of car, and despite changes to the engine and exhaust, the sound isn't as dramatic, but the Artura Spider is still a very satisfying car and a compelling rival to the likes of the Aston Martin Vantage, the (much more expensive) Ferrari 296 GTS, Lamborghini Huracn Spyder, Mercedes-AMG GT and Porsche 911 Turbo.




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