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Presidential Innovation Fellows launch first cohort focused on artificial intelligence

Presidential Innovation Fellows launch first cohort focused on artificial intelligence


June 17, 2024

This is the second PIF cohort GSA has launched this year.

WASHINGTON Today, GSA announced the launch of this year’s second Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) class.

The group is the first of its kind to focus exclusively on artificial intelligence (AI) and supports the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, which positions the PIF program as a federal talent pipeline to recruit top AI talent to the government.

The AI ​​cohort includes 11 experts from top technology companies, startups, and organizations across the country. They will be deployed to eight federal agencies for one-year civil service assignments to meet the specific needs of AI across government. Projects include maximizing the potential of AI to increase access to justice while minimizing the risk of consumer harm, and leveraging data and AI to strengthen electric grid infrastructure to ensure clean, affordable, reliable, resilient, and secure electricity for all Americans.

“Through the PIF program, we are pleased to welcome technologists who will advance DOE's transformative work at the intersection of AI and energy,” said Helena Fu, director of the Department of Energy's Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies. The fellows will help advance the VoltAIc initiative, which builds AI-powered tools to streamline installation and permitting to accelerate the deployment of clean energy infrastructure.

“We look forward to welcoming the incredible expertise and innovative ideas that PIF will bring to the table on how to maximize the potential benefits of AI while mitigating its potential risks,” said Dominic Mancini, deputy director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget. “Our collaboration with these fellows and the agencies they work for exemplifies the whole-of-society effort required for the responsible use of AI.”

In collaboration with the Presidential Innovation Fellows program and the U.S. Digital Corps, GSA's Technology Transformation Service (TTS) is putting more tech talent into government than ever before. More than 2,500 people responded to the call for applications, and TTS expects to hire more than 100 technologists in 2024. Of those 200+ fellows, 120 will fill AI and AI enabling roles.

“All of our fellows have made significant contributions to innovation and modernization across government, and this AI-focused group will do the same,” said GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan. This new class of fellows will focus on values-based implementation aligned with the Executive Order on AI to harness the benefits and mitigate the risks of this emerging technology to ensure the American people are better served by their government.

PIF serves as a strategic senior advisor supporting executives and their teams in areas critical to government serving its citizens. Combining top-level subject matter expertise with public sector institutional knowledge, each Fellow has the opportunity to shape, define, and lead initiatives, including those that address pressing agency challenges. Since the program began in 2012, PIF has employed more than 260 Fellows, working in more than 50 agencies.

“Through initiatives such as the Biden-Harris Administration's AI Executive Order and Vice President Harris' announced policy on government use of AI, I've been able to apply my experience as a technologist to help shape how the nation approaches AI policy,” said Olivia Chu, deputy director for AI policy at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and a former Presidential Innovation Fellow. “I'm grateful for the PIF program's role in helping me transition from the tech sector to government, and I look forward to seeing more technologists join public service.”

The new fellows and their institutions are:

Maria Bochkova, U.S. Department of Justice John Cronin, Department of Defense Brian Karfunkel, U.S. Department of Justice Nandini Nayak, Ph.D., Federal Housing Finance Agency Anjali Patel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission James Pavul, Ph.D., U.S. Department of State Pranava Laparla, Department of Energy Scott Riffle, Department of Defense Arushi Saxena, Office of Management and Budget Matthew R. Versaggi, MS, MBA, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Rebecca N. White, U.S. Department of Justice

“The breakthroughs happening in computing and artificial intelligence are incredibly exciting and, in my opinion, fundamentally different from any previous technological revolution,” said Presidential Innovation Fellow Dr. James Pavour. “I believe government offers the greatest opportunity for technologists to help ensure that these advances benefit all people in an equitable and secure way.”

This is the second PIF cohort this year. While the first cohort focused on a broader range of technologies, as in previous years, this cohort is the first to focus solely on artificial intelligence. Past fellows have been recognized for applying expertise in data science, design, engineering, product, and systems thinking to tackle tough problems such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving customer experience in healthcare, improving national nutrition programs, and helping national post-disaster programs quickly serve constituents.


About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a portfolio of approximately 370 million square feet of rentable real estate across the nation, overseeing approximately $100 billion worth of products and services through federal contracts, and providing technology services to serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA's mission is to provide the government and the American people with the best customer experience and value in real estate, procurement and technology services. For more information, visit and follow @USGSA.

About TTS: GSA TTS applies modern methodologies and technology to improve the lives of government employees and civil servants. TTS helps make agency services more accessible, efficient and effective with modern applications, platforms, processes, people and software solutions. TTS's office includes a diverse portfolio of TTS solutions, including 18F, Centers of Excellence, Presidential Innovation Fellows, US Digital Corps, and initiatives such as FedRAMP, USAGov,, and




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