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According to Infotech Research Group, the path to innovation and efficiency in manufacturing is exponential IT

According to Infotech Research Group, the path to innovation and efficiency in manufacturing is exponential IT


Info-Tech Research Group is offering durable goods manufacturers a strategy guide for embracing an exponential IT mindset. The company's recently published blueprint, focused on improving operational efficiency, predictive maintenance, and supply chain optimization, outlines practical strategies for manufacturing IT leaders to leverage advanced technologies to improve productivity, innovation, and customer engagement.

TORONTO, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Faced with increasing competition, aging equipment and significant technical debt, manufacturers are being forced to innovate and modernize their operations, explains Info-Tech Research Group in a new industry resource. In “Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in Durable Goods Manufacturing,” the global research and advisory firm highlights that manufacturing companies must embrace exponential technologies to gain a competitive advantage, and that IT leaders play a critical role in this transformation as valuable business partners. The new research-backed blueprint provides manufacturing and IT leaders with strategic insights and an actionable plan to anticipate market shifts, enable aggressive technology investments and drive modernization through exponential IT, empowering them to stay competitive and avoid disruption.

Info-Tech Research Group's Blueprint for Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in Durable Goods Manufacturing outlines practical strategies for manufacturing IT leaders to leverage advanced technologies to improve efficiency, innovation and customer engagement. (CNW Group/Info-Tech Research Group)

“From the digitization of service models to the computerization of operations to a new influx of artificial intelligence processing, information technology has dramatically transformed organizations,” says Kevin Tucker, advisory practice leader at Info-Tech Research Group. “To make the most of this imminent opportunity, IT executives must transform into business leaders who can deliver advanced value and insights to their companies while mitigating risk by implementing IT transformation. Yet in an exponential IT world that demands new skills and capabilities, innovation readiness remains a mystery.”

Info-Tech defines Exponential IT as the strategic integration of rapidly advancing technologies that are revolutionizing manufacturing. These technologies, including automation, artificial intelligence, and advanced analytics, enable manufacturing companies to increase operational efficiency, improve resource management, and innovate production processes. Embracing an Exponential IT mindset allows manufacturers to tackle digital transformation head on, ensuring sustainable business growth and staying competitive.

“The manufacturing industry is being urged to rapidly incorporate exponential IT implementation into their roadmaps to address potential disruptions in the industry,” Tucker explains. “Understanding the key priorities for exponential IT transformation is essential for companies to remain competitive in today's challenging environment. Recognizing and integrating core foundational capabilities is seen as a critical first step to successfully implementing exponential IT transformation and creating value for the industry.”

The company's research outlines the significant challenges durable goods manufacturers face in adopting exponential IT. Key challenges include integrating cutting-edge technology with legacy systems, ongoing difficulties in attracting and retaining skilled IT professionals, and the urgent need for effective data governance. Many manufacturers also deal with fragmented data management and the dual pressures of innovation and regulatory compliance. Overcoming these challenges requires a holistic approach that includes strategic planning, focused investments in upskilling staff, and a culture that embraces technological advancements. Strengthening foundational IT capabilities and increasing digital capabilities will help manufacturers successfully navigate digital transformation and significantly improve operational efficiency and customer engagement.

Info-Tech's recently published blueprint highlights the strategic use of advanced technologies such as AI and data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and personalized customer experiences. This approach not only protects sensitive data but also leverages it to drive innovation and improve overall business performance. The firm advises that by prioritizing these technological advancements, manufacturing organizations can develop more flexible and responsive operations to achieve sustained success in dynamic manufacturing environments.

In this resource, Info-Tech outlines four key priorities that manufacturing IT leaders must consider when adopting an exponential IT mindset.

Fund exponential value creation: As markets and the role of IT evolve, IT budgets must make a major shift toward innovation. This includes a focus on efficiency, sustainability, cost savings, and rapid improvements in product quality. They must also fund advanced human-machine technologies that improve employee safety. Bring DataOps and ModelOps together: Businesses are increasingly realizing that data is their most important asset. Data has always been important, but with the rise of AI and machine learning, it is even more important. These advanced technologies are essential for fast decision-making, but poor quality data can lead to poor decisions. Integrating DataOps and ModelOps ensures data integrity and effective model management. Transform infrastructure and applications into utilities: Moving to a utility-based model for infrastructure and applications fosters a collaborative, innovative approach to IT asset management. Leveraging cloud solutions and low-code/no-code platforms gives organizations more control over outcomes and the agility to respond to market changes. Put core operations in the hands of AI: The growing importance of data, driven by AI and machine learning, is transforming core operations. AI increases system efficiency, accelerates incident detection, and improves automation productivity. Ensuring high-quality data is crucial as poor quality data can lead to wrong decisions. Proper integration of AI into core operations will enable faster and more accurate decision making, improving overall performance.

As manufacturing navigates the complexities of the digital age, prioritizing these strategies will enable organizations to drive innovation, maintain robust data security, and deliver high-value, personalized services that meet evolving market demands.

By adopting an exponential IT mindset, manufacturing companies can effectively address the multifaceted challenges of digital transformation, strengthen their technology framework, and significantly improve operational efficiency and customer engagement. This proactive approach ensures not only operational resilience but also a competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic marketplace.

For exclusive, timely commentary on this topic from Info-Tech's analysts and access to a complete blueprint of priorities for adopting an exponential IT mindset in the durable goods manufacturing industry, [email protected].

Info-Tech LIVE 2024 Conference

Registration is now open for Info-Tech Research Group's annual IT conference, Info-Tech LIVE 2024, which will take place September 17-19, 2024 at the famous Bellagio in Las Vegas. This premier event will also provide journalists, podcasters and media influencers with exclusive content, access to the latest IT research and trends, and the opportunity to interview industry experts, analysts and speakers. To apply for a media pass to attend the event and access research and expert insights on trending topics, please visit [email protected].

About Infotech Research Group

Info-Tech Research Group is a leading global research and advisory firm serving over 30,000 IT and HR professionals. The firm conducts unbiased, relevant research and provides advisory services to help leaders make strategic, timely and informed decisions. For nearly 30 years, Info-Tech has worked closely with teams to provide them with everything they need, from practical tools to analyst guidance, to ensure they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

To learn more about Info-Tech's division, check out McLean & Company for HR research and advisory services and SoftwareReviews for software buying insights.

Media professionals can sign up to get unlimited access to IT, HR and software research and hundreds of industry analysts through the company's Media Insider program. To get access, [email protected].

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Source: Info-Tech Research Group




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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