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Could Microsoft's creepy AI feature “Recall” be a powerful spy tool for criminals?

Could Microsoft's creepy AI feature “Recall” be a powerful spy tool for criminals?


Microsoft has announced a change in the rollout plan for the Recall preview feature for Copilot+ PC. Instead of releasing a broad preview on June 18, 2024 as originally planned, Recall will first be available to the Windows Insider Program in the coming weeks. Microsoft hopes to gather feedback from Insiders to further refine the feature before rolling it out to all Copilot+ PC users.

Microsoft recently announced the Recall feature on Copilot+ PC, an AI tool that can record everything on your screen. Recall is designed to act as your personal photo memory, periodically capturing snapshots of your screen to create a visual timeline, allowing you to easily find and revisit content you've previously viewed across apps, websites, documents, and more.

While the ability to instantly recall information on your screen is extremely useful, security researchers have uncovered potential flaws that could expose personal data to malicious code, which is probably why Microsoft is holding off on implementing it in new computers shipping this week.

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Recalls as espionage tools: a nightmare scenario

While the Recall feature, which shows past on-screen content, is extremely useful, there are legitimate concerns that this feature could become a powerful spy tool and a nightmare if the device falls into the wrong hands.

Even if you use incognito mode or clear your browsing history, Recall has full access to your entire on-screen history, and while Microsoft claims that the data never leaves your computer, critics aren't entirely convinced.

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Security Researcher Exposes Dangerous Flaws in Recall

The AI-powered system periodically takes snapshots of what you're doing on your screen and helps you search for important data that you may have lost track of while working. However, security experts who have closely examined how Recalls works have concluded that the system could pose a significant security risk.

Recall is built into what Microsoft is calling Copilot+ PC, the tech giant's vision of traditional computers becoming AI-powered workhorses. At the time of launch, Microsoft explained that Recall doesn't capture certain private content, like Netflix videos or incognito browser sessions, but it can capture everything else. In theory, this broad visibility could make Recall even more useful for rediscovering lost work.

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Flaw could expose personal data to malicious code

But security researcher Kevin Beaumont has already found some very worrying flaws: In particular, the system stores data in a simple, plaintext format that could make it easy for malicious code to rummage through it and find all kinds of personal data, from sensitive work files to private communications. Beaumont says he's concerned that the recall could make it easier for malware and attackers to steal information, and while he acknowledges that Microsoft made wise decisions about encryption, he says that in the end it just doesn't work.

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Confidential information may be leaked

He's not sharing technical details for now to give Microsoft time to fix the loophole, but it's clear that anything from financial data to personal health information could be exposed, and even if you trust Microsoft, bad actors could find clever ways to exploit the tool's treasure trove of data.

Balancing innovation and data protection

Regardless of whether Microsoft can quickly resolve the recall's security gaps, the revelations highlight how new AI capabilities often create new privacy minefields that must be approached carefully. As AI plays a larger role on our devices, innovative features and robust data protection must work hand in hand. As debate rages over the recall's potential privacy implications, there are some proactive steps you can take to protect your data and use your tools more safely.

If it bothers you, opt out

First of all, Recall is an opt-in feature during the initial setup of your device. If you are unsure, decline to enable it. Your computer will work fine without this time machine functionality.

Customize what Recall displays

When you enable Recall, you have the option to customize it by blacklisting apps, programs, or websites that you want to exclude from recording and indexing, allowing you to choose what Recall can access.

Use different devices for different activities

One low-tech solution is to use dedicated devices for different purposes: one computer for work, one for personal browsing, and one for any sensitive activities that you want to completely shield from Recalls monitoring. As Recall evolves, you may need to adjust your settings or adopt new privacy habits, so review guidance from Microsoft.

Addressing privacy and security concerns

In response to these privacy and security concerns, Microsoft has announced several updates to Recall.

Recall is off by default and must be enabled by a user's active opt-in. Windows Hello registration and proof of presence are required to view the timeline and search in Recall. An additional layer of data protection is implemented, including just-in-time decryption protected by Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-In Security (ESS), ensuring snapshots are only decrypted and accessible when the user authenticates. The search index database is encrypted.

Microsoft has also stepped up its commitment to security, announcing that all Copilot+ PCs will be Secured-core PCs with advanced firmware protections, Microsoft Pluton security processors enabled by default, and Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security (ESS) for more secure biometric sign-in.

Privacy Controls and User Choices

Microsoft emphasizes that users have control over what Recall captures and stores.

Snapshots are stored locally and are not shared with Microsoft or any other company. Users can pause, filter, or delete snapshots at any time. No digital rights management or InPrivate Browsing content is stored. For managed work devices, IT admins can disable the ability to save snapshots but cannot enable it without user consent.

While Recall aims to provide a useful AI-powered experience, we know the importance of user trust and choice, so we view the preview as an opportunity to learn from real-world scenarios and refine the feature based on feedback.

Insider feedback and wider availability

Once the Recall preview is available to the Windows Insider Program, Microsoft will publish a blog post detailing how to access it. To participate in the Recall preview, you will need a Copilot+ PC due to hardware requirements.

After gathering feedback from the Insider community, Microsoft plans to roll out the Recall preview to all Copilot+ PC users, incorporating insights and improvements based on real-world scenarios.

Microsoft's response

We reached out to Microsoft and a company representative directed us to their website, where they posted the following statement:

We are on a journey to build products and experiences that are worthy of our company mission of empowering people and organizations to achieve more, and are driven by the vital importance of maintaining customer privacy, security, and trust. As always, we continue to listen and learn from our customers, including consumers, developers, and businesses, to evolve our experiences in ways that are meaningful to them.

Important points about the cart

Microsoft's Recall AI, currently in preview, is undoubtedly useful, but it also raises concerns from a privacy perspective. Storing all that rich data locally is smart, but it won't completely prevent future misuse. As with any new technology, users will have to decide whether the convenience is worth the potential risks in their own situation. Recall may be a dream product for some, but a nightmare for others. Either way, this debate shows that there is still work to be done to strike the right balance between innovation and privacy in the AI ​​era.

How do you balance the benefits of innovative AI capabilities like Recall with the need for personal data protection and privacy? Let us know in the comments below.

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