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Join 2,148,697 registered users and get your Google Data Analytics Certification

Join 2,148,697 registered users and get your Google Data Analytics Certification


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If, like me, you've reached an age where going back to university isn't an option, or you're ready for a career change but need guidance, you've come to the right page. I had no choice but to take a flexible course as I was working full time and had to have a place to live. University was out of the question at all. I needed a course that would allow me to gain skills and knowledge without compromising financially or time wise.

I came across Google’s Data Analytics Certification by chance after seeing some great reviews.

Work was slowing down a bit so I decided to give it a go before I got burnt out from work overload.

What is Google's Data Analytics Certification?

Link: Google Data Analytics Certification

Earning Google's Data Analytics Professional Certification will give you an understanding of the practices and processes used by Associate Data Analysts.

This certification teaches key analytical skills like data cleaning, analysis, and visualization, along with tools like SQL, R programming, Tableau, etc. Through these skills, you will understand how to clean and organize data for analysis, and how to use spreadsheets, SQL, and R programming to complete the analysis and calculations.

At the end of the course, you will learn how to visualize and present your data findings in dashboards, presentations and commonly used visualization platforms.

This course is designed for beginners and can be completed in 6 months with 10 hours of study per week. The flexible schedule allows you to learn at your own pace.

My thoughts on authentication

Before getting certified, I had already done a bootcamp 2 years ago. When I entered the tech industry and got my first job as a junior data scientist, I realized that there were elements of data science that the bootcamp didn't teach me. After going around in circles many times trying to understand, I realized that I needed to go back and study seriously to continue my data science journey.

So, I decided to get Google’s Data Analytics certification and complete it in 2 months.

The journey begins. First of all, I want to say that the content is great! The process is smooth! The walkthrough is perfect!

If you, like me, feel like you need a refresher in learning data analysis and data science, or are new to the data world and need guidance, this course will do just that.

Yes, there is a lot of study material, but all the material was essential to my learning journey and helped me gain a deeper understanding. Instead of a ton of questions at the end of each module, there were multiple choice questions after each section that helped me understand each section.

I was a huge success when it came to surviving the end of section multiple choice and module tests. Sure, my previous boot camp knowledge helped me here and there, but being a few years removed from the data science field, this content was a godsend in helping me earn this certification.

It's so good that I've recommended it to a few family members and friends who don't have any technical experience and have given great feedback about how beginner-friendly the structure and process is.

My overall opinion and feedback on this certification is that I would highly recommend it to anyone new to the tech industry because of the course structure, but also to anyone who wants to review their existing knowledge and make sure they really understood it.

Please note that this certification is aimed at beginners, so your data science learning journey shouldn't end here. Continuously learning new skills and tools will help you become a successful data scientist.


Everyone's learning process is different, and some people may earn the certification but prefer a different way of learning, but for those who want guidance and want to learn incrementally, I highly recommend this certification.

The team at KDnuggets wants you to win and would love to help you on your journey.

Nisha Arya is a Data Scientist, Freelance Technical Writer, and Editor & Community Manager at KDnuggets. She has a special interest in providing career advice and tutorials in Data Science, as well as theory-based knowledge on Data Science. Nisha covers a wide range of topics and loves to explore the different ways in which Artificial Intelligence can help extend human lifespan. An avid learner, Nisha hopes to mentor others while expanding her technical knowledge and writing skills.




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