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Google seeks proposals to push the boundaries of distributed quantum computing

Google seeks proposals to push the boundaries of distributed quantum computing


Google is launching an academic research program offering prizes of up to $150,000 for projects exploring quantum transformations and networks for scalable computing applications. The company's Quantum AI team is developing a superconducting qubit platform with the aim of improving data center robustness, cost efficiency and performance through distributed computing. The move to distributed quantum computing will increase modularity and design robustness while significantly reducing control wiring and cryogenic requirements.

Google is leveraging its success in modular computing to advance quantum technology: its Quantum AI team is developing a superconducting qubit platform that aims to make data centers more robust, cost-effective, and performant through distributed computing.

To support these efforts, Google has launched an academic research program that will offer grants of up to $150,000 to projects investigating quantum transformations and networks for scalable computing applications. The team added that larger grant amounts will be awarded to better proposals that demonstrate a clear and compelling case for increased funding.

According to information on Google's request for proposals, the move to distributed quantum computing will improve modularity and design robustness while significantly reducing control wiring and cryogenic requirements. The ability to process quantum data directly from the source could lead to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, influencing both immediate experiments and the future architecture of Google's quantum devices.

In particular, the precise transfer of information between superconducting qubits and photons (a process known as transduction) remains a major challenge. The technology is still in its early stages, and research to improve it is essential. The development of applications for distributed quantum systems beyond parallel computing and quantum key distribution will be essential for further progress.

Our approach is based on the advantages of modular computing over traditional monolithic architectures. These advantages include increased robustness, reduced cost, and improved performance, and can be applied from single-facility networks to global data-sharing systems. By applying these principles to quantum technology, we aim to create more efficient and scalable quantum computing systems.

One of the key advantages of distributed quantum computing within a data center is the potential for increased modularity. This modular approach allows for more robust system designs and reduces the chance of system-wide failures. It also greatly reduces the need for extensive control wiring and cryogenics, which are major challenges in developing and maintaining quantum computers.

Moreover, the ability of quantum technologies to process data directly at its source could lead to unprecedented scientific discoveries. This capability would enable real-time analysis of quantum data, which could reveal new insights and advance our understanding of the universe. Such advances are expected to have a profound impact on both the design of near-term experiments and the future architecture of Google's quantum devices.

Despite these promising prospects, the field faces a major hurdle. High-fidelity transduction, the process of transferring information between superconducting qubits and photons, remains underdeveloped. Improving this technology is critical to the advancement of distributed quantum computing. Research efforts must focus on enabling the seamless transfer of quantum information between different mediums, such as optical qubits and flying microwave qubits.

Google has outlined specific research themes as it proposes to address these challenges, including converting superconducting qubits into quantum transmission media such as flying microwave qubits or optical qubits, and converting alternative sensing or computing platforms such as neutral atomic arrays or defects in diamond directly into superconducting qubits. Other research themes include developing scientific or industrial applications of linked quantum systems with fewer than 50 logical qubits, and applications of multi-qubit quantum sensors linked to quantum computers via conversion to enable exponentially faster quantum learning.

Google said the funds will be paid as an unrestricted donation to the university, rather than for overhead or indirect costs.

Eligibility for these awards is open to professors at universities or degree-granting research institutions. Proposals must be related to computing or technology, and applicants may only serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on one proposal per round, with a maximum of two PIs per proposal. Proposals must adhere to Google's AI Principles and demonstrate the potential for high impact.

Google Quantum AI will be hosting a live Q&A information session to discuss these technologies and their potential applications. Interested parties can RSVP here.




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