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New Google Chrome warning: Do not copy and paste this text

New Google Chrome warning: Do not copy and paste this text


New Chrome warning for all Windows users

Yap Ariens/NurPhoto

A technically complex warning has been issued for Google Chrome users, but fortunately the instructions that must be followed to avoid the attack are quite simple.

The warning comes from Proofpoint, which says it has seen an increase in a unique social engineering technique that tricks users into copying and pasting malicious PowerShell scripts to infect their computers with malware.

The research team suggests that multiple attackers are using this technique to distribute various forms of malware, however it is easy to spot and once users are aware, it is very easy to prevent infection. These are instructions that should be followed either way.

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While using Chrome, users are presented with a popup text box stating that an error has occurred when attempting to open a document or webpage. The popup can also be used to[実行]A dialog box appears with instructions for copying and pasting the text.

On the surface, this may seem easily identifiable as something unusual and can be ignored, but Proofpoint warns that while the attack chain requires significant user interaction to be successful, social engineering can be sophisticated and present someone with both a real problem and what appears to be a solution at the same time, encouraging users to take action without considering the risks.

Example of a “Copy and Paste” attack popup window

Proof Points

The attack itself is indicative of normal defensive behavior we would expect these days, and before downloading and installing the malware, it checks if the device is in a virtual or sandbox environment to make it less likely to be detected. If everything goes green, it installs the threat in the background.

Proofpoint attributes the attack to TA571, a spam distributor that specializes in mass spam email campaigns to deliver and install various malware to cybercriminal customers, and ClearFake, a newcomer to the fake update threat space last year.

Much of the malware installed appears to be aimed at stealing credentials and triggering fraudulent cryptocurrency transactions in which the user uses the device to make their own cryptocurrency transfers.

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Fake update attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent, with multiple examples seen with Google Chrome as the front-end of choice. With over 3 billion users across all platforms, this is not surprising. However, it makes it even more important for Chrome users to be extra careful with their updates and add-ons. Chrome provides clear instructions for manual and automatic updates:

Overall, the threat landscape has worsened in recent months, with troubling trends of risky installs and add-ons from third-party sites, as well as malicious popups like the one seen here.

As Proofpoint warns, this latest attack falls in line with an overall trend Proofpoint has observed of cybercrime threat actors employing new, diverse and increasingly creative attack chains.

Fortunately, such attacks should be easy to detect and avoid.

Here are three simple rules:

Only use official app stores. Don't use third-party stores and don't change your device's security settings to allow apps to load. Never click links in emails or messages to directly download apps or updates. Always use the app store or the app itself for installations and updates. Don't install apps, add-ons or updates that link to existing apps like Chrome unless you are absolutely sure they are legitimate. Check reviews and online articles.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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