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Ricoh Opens Flagship 3D Medical Device Manufacturing Facility

Ricoh Opens Flagship 3D Medical Device Manufacturing Facility


RicohUSA, Inc. has unveiled its flagship Point of Care 3D medical device manufacturing facility, the RICOH 3D for HealthcareInnovation Studio. With its mission to innovate and improve clinical outcomes and quality of life, Ricoh's on-site Innovation Studio provides clinicians with easy and instant access to development, design and manufacturing services for patient-specific 3D printed anatomical models that can be used for surgical planning and patient education.

Located in the Innovation Quarter in downtown Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the facility is the first of many point-of-care 3D medical device manufacturing facilities connected to the health system. Patient care teams with limited access to 3D printed anatomical models often face workflow interruptions, lead time issues, resources and regulatory compliance-related challenges when attempting to obtain patient-specific anatomical models, which can impact the level of patient care.

The fundamental mission of RICOH 3D for Healthcare Innovation Studio is to address these challenges by leveraging Ricoh's HIPAA-compliant, ISO 13485-certified 3D medical device manufacturing center and managed services track record to develop, design and manufacture 3D printed anatomical models. Using Ricoh's innovative technology ecosystem and quality control system, patient-specific anatomical models can be brought directly to hospitals, giving clinicians access to and confidence in FDA-approved devices.

The on-site center will enable faster production times, direct access to clinical resources and 3D printing expertise, and multidisciplinary team collaboration across a national network, providing clinicians and patients with a broader team of experts and enhanced care support. Additionally, the Innovation Studio will focus on increasing communication and feedback between care teams and Ricoh staff to drive innovation in personalized patient care and collect data on the benefits of using 3D printed anatomical models to facilitate reimbursement.

Read more: RicohUSA and Materialise Partner to 3D Print Anatomical Models

“The RICOH 3D for Healthcare Innovation Studio is a foundational step in Ricoh's long-term vision to lead the way in democratizing access to patient-specific precision medicine solutions in healthcare,” said Gary Turner, Managing Director, North America Additive Manufacturing, RicohUSA, Inc. “As we look to consolidate and expand Point of Care facilities within health systems across the country, we are incredibly grateful that Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist partnered with us to bring their first facility to life, and we look forward to expanding 3D production within their network and at other hospital systems across the country.”

Ricoh 3D for Healthcare uses segmented 3D print files created from medical images in FDA-approved applications to create patient-specific anatomical models through additive manufacturing. These models are used for diagnostic purposes in various medical disciplines, including craniomaxillofacial, orthopedic, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and breast.

The RICOH 3D for Healthcare Innovation Studio can manage 3D printing operations at the point of care, giving healthcare professionals access to a streamlined, efficient solution for manufacturing and obtaining these models. The new facility will enable Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist and Wake Forest University School of Medicine to work in conjunction with Wake Forest Innovations and Innovation Quarter to create a center of excellence in medical 3D printing.

“As a leading academic learning health system, we are committed to leveraging technology to benefit our patients, faculty and learners,” said Christopher T. Whitlow, M.D., professor and chair of the Department of Radiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and a neuroradiologist at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. “This partnership enables our health system and School of Medicine to continually improve our clinical, research and educational capabilities and opens new opportunities for collaboration with other divisions within our organization.”

In patient care, access to precise anatomical 3D models from on-site facilities such as the RICOH 3D for Healthcare Innovation Studio empowers clinical teams to plan and deliver timely, informed care plans, while also providing the following benefits:

Reduced operative time Surgeons using 3D printed anatomical models saw an average reduction of 62 minutes in operative time, a 7.8% reduction in operative time. Redefined surgical approach 50% of surgeons redefined their surgical approach when using 3D models in the planning phase. Reduced costs When used for diagnostic purposes, healthcare providers realized an average cost savings of $3,720 per case. Educational opportunities 3D printed models offer cadaveric training, clearer communication, and patient education when discussing informed consent. Enhanced diagnostic support With accurate information about a patient’s anatomy up front, clinicians can better evaluate and understand complex conditions, effectively preparing a more informed approach to procedures and treatments. Reduced compliance concerns With an on-site Point of Care 3D medical device manufacturing facility, regulatory and legal compliance requirements are met with Ricoh’s award-winning managed services platform, 3D printing expertise, and FDA 510(k) cleared anatomical models.

Ricoh's additive manufacturing solutions and services, including RICOH 3D for Healthcare, will be on display at RAPID + TCT, taking place June 25-27 in Los Angeles, California.




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