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Little Caesars and The Ilitch Companies Announce Major Technology Promotion to Support Innovation and Record-Breaking Growth

Little Caesars and The Ilitch Companies Announce Major Technology Promotion to Support Innovation and Record-Breaking Growth


Technology and Global Business Growth Drives Leadership Expansion; Leading Food, Sports and Entertainment Group Promotes Three Key Leaders

DETROIT, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Little Caesars, a global leader in the pizza industry, is proud to announce the promotion of three accomplished executives to key leadership positions within the company's technology division. These promotions come at a time of rapid growth for Little Caesars and highlight the company's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge innovation to drive future success and enhance the guest experience. These promotions also continue to advance technology across the Ilitch Companies family, including Ilitch Sports + Entertainment.

Afia Phillips Keith Feigin Lance Shinaberger

Keith Feigin Promoted to Chief Information Officer, Restaurant Systems Division

Keith Feigin, who recently celebrated his 10th anniversary with Little Caesars, has been promoted to Chief Information Officer for the Restaurant Systems division. During his tenure, Keith has overseen numerous software initiatives with a particular focus on the company's e-commerce platform. Keith has been instrumental in obtaining several patents for Little Caesars and holds a Bachelor's degree from Williams College and a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Keith is a resident cast member with Go Comedy! Improv Theater and is the founder of the Detroit Improv Festival.

Afia Phillips Promoted to Chief Information Security Officer

Afia Phillips has been promoted to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Afia served as Vice President of Information Security at Little Caesar Enterprises, where she oversaw information security across the Ilitch enterprise. Afia established a strategic enterprise information security program focused on mitigating cyber risk across the organization. She is passionate about social responsibility and has led major initiatives around food insecurity, volunteerism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Afia is an active member of the Michigan Council of Women in Technology, T200, and Chief, a select national network of female executives. She is a governing body member of the Evanta CIO & CISO Network (Detroit Chapter) and was appointed to the Michigan Ethics Commission by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Her work has been recognized with Crain's Notable Women in STEM awards and Cyber ​​Defense Magazine's Top Global CISO awards. Afia holds a degree in Computer Science from Wayne State University and is also certified in Cybersecurity and Risk Management.

Lance Shinaberger Promoted to Chief Information Officer, Shared Technology and Applications

Lance Shinabarger has been promoted to Chief Information Officer, Shared Technology and Applications. With over 25 years of IT management experience, Lance has been with Little Caesars since 2017, serving as Senior Vice President of Enterprise Systems, Data Services and Global Infrastructure. He has successfully led the global infrastructure for Little Caesars, the Detroit Red Wings, the Detroit Tigers and other Ilitch companies. Lance holds a degree in Computer Science from Cleary University and has a proven track record of developing and executing technology strategies to drive business growth.

“These promotions highlight the incredible talent and dedication of our leadership team,” said Anita Klopfenstein, global chief information officer. “Keith, Afia and Lance have consistently demonstrated a commitment to innovation and excellence through their strong leadership, and I am confident they will continue to drive our technology initiatives forward.”

As Little Caesars continues to grow and innovate, it remains focused on its mission of providing customers with exceptional value, convenience and quality through pioneering technology and forward-thinking strategies. These leadership changes are a testament to the company's dedication to remaining at the forefront of its industry and preparing for an even brighter future with continued aggressive growth.

About Little Caesars

Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, Little Caesars was founded as a family-owned restaurant by Mike and Marian Ilitch in 1959. Today, it is the world's third largest pizza chain with restaurants in all 50 states and 28 countries and territories.

Known for its HOT-N-READY pizza and famous Crazy Bread, Little Caesars uses high-quality ingredients such as fresh, never frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses and sauces made from freshly packaged California-grown ripened tomatoes. The brand is known for innovation and is home to the exclusive Pizza Portal Pickup, a heated, self-serve mobile order pickup station. Little Caesars is also the official pizza sponsor of the National Football League.

A very fast growing company with over 60 years of experience in the $145 billion global pizza industry, Little Caesars is constantly looking for potential franchise partners to join its team in markets around the world. In addition to offering entrepreneurial independence through its franchise system, Little Caesars also offers strong brand recognition with one of the country's most recognizable and endearing characters, Little Caesar. Little Caesars is proud to be part of the Ilitch Companies family of companies.

About Ilitch Companies

Ilitch Companies represents leading brands in the food, sports and entertainment industries, including Little Caesars, Blue Line Distribution, Detroit Red Wings, Ilitch Sports + Entertainment, Detroit Tigers, Olympia Development, Little Caesars Fundraising Program, Champion Foods, MotorCity Casino Hotel, Ocean Casino and Tenda. The organization is also involved in the 313 Presents joint venture.

Collectively, these companies employ tens of thousands of people worldwide, have more than 400 million customer interactions per year, and generate billions of dollars in revenue each year.

Source: Little Caesars




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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