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Google Workspace for Education: Digital transformation for K12 schools

Google Workspace for Education: Digital transformation for K12 schools


Greater Dayton Schools grew out of a local nonprofit that was using a different productivity suite to send emails and manage other tasks, and Stich says he and his team spoke with dozens of schools across the country and made the decision to implement Google fairly quickly.

He cites the versatility of Google's applications and the low cost of its education solutions as the main reasons the school turned to Google. Plus, all of the teachers were already familiar with Google products. No training was required, so staff could focus on what matters most: their students.

What are the challenges of working with different applications?

Figuring out how different applications work together (if at all) can be a big challenge for K12 IT teams. That was the case for Roberto Vargas, managing director of IT and data systems at Distinctive Schools, a nonprofit that manages charter schools in Chicago and Detroit.

“Does this application talk to this application? Does that application work with this application? It can take a cycle to find an application that works with another application,” he says.

With Google Workspace for Education, you don't have to waste time on this research because the platform uses all Google products.

“It helps to have all the tools we need to really work in the Google ecosystem,” says Vargas. “At one point, we were buying multiple licenses. Once our users realized that a lot of the things they could do in the two applications could also be done with Google, it became easy for them to make the transition and save money.”

Today, Distinctive Schools uses Google Workspace for Education for everything from email, instant messaging and shared documents to surveys and parent outreach.

Being able to work on one document and link it to another sheet or presentation, or tag someone and drop them into a chat, has been extremely helpful for the organization, Vargas says.

Will Google Workspace improve interoperability in schools?

Both Stich and Vargas say the ability to easily collaborate is one of the biggest benefits of Google Workspace.

“It makes our jobs as educators a lot easier and makes teachers a lot more efficient,” Stich said.

Stich also appreciates the suite of applications for collaboratively collecting and displaying data. Teachers enter data into spreadsheets, and the school's data strategist brings that information into Google Looker Studio to create data visualizations. Stich can open the dashboard at any time to see updates on student progress and performance.

“This allows us as administrators to have real-time visibility into how our various academic programs and student development is going day-to-day and moment-to-moment,” Stich said.

Learn more: Data helps educators customize learning plans for students.

Vargas says Google Workspace for Education really began the school's digital transformation during the pandemic, when teachers had to get really creative with how they taught. It helped teachers move away from printing and toward sharing documents digitally, he says.

Each Google Workspace for Education license also complies with key federal education policies, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, and the General Data Protection Regulation.




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