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CR Recommends Safer Cookware Materials

CR Recommends Safer Cookware Materials


You may be trying to put healthy foods on your shopping list, but have you thought about the potentially harmful ingredients in your cookware? Consumer Reports looks into the serious issues with some ingredients and explains what you should cook with instead. Rebecca Nieves Hoffman says she used to cook her favorite Puerto Rican dishes in a traditional aluminum pot called a caldero. “Some of the calderos in our family have been through the war,” she says. After her mother was diagnosed with dementia, Huffman says she stopped using the caldero. >> Download the free WMUR app to get the latest updates on the go: Apple | Google Play << "I got immersed in research about toxins and how different types of toxins get into food," she said. While there's no strong evidence linking aluminum to an increased risk of dementia, Consumer Reports says there's reason to be concerned about a nonstick coating called Teflon when it comes to toxins in cookware. "Teflon is a brand name for PTFE," said Lauren Friedman of Consumer Reports. "This product is made of PFAS chemicals, also known as forever chemicals, because they break down very slowly in the environment. These chemicals can build up in the body and lead to serious health problems, including cancer and reproductive disorders." Uncoated cookware made of stainless steel, carbon steel, and cast iron are good alternatives to Teflon, but they don't completely prevent food from sticking. Ceramic-coated cookware is also a great choice. Food is less likely to stick, and the coating is less likely to contain harmful chemicals. In Consumer Reports' test of nonstick pans, ceramic-coated Caraway and Greenpan received top ratings. In CR's test of cast-iron pans, Tramontina and Staub pans stood out. Whatever type of cookware you choose, make sure it is clearly labeled as PFAS or PTFE-free, and don't ignore the use and care instructions that come with it. "Use soft cookware and don't stack," says Friedman. Huffman says she still keeps Caldero close to her. "I keep my family's calderos as mementos in a special place, like a glass cupboard in my kitchen," she says. Microplastics and plastic chemicals like BPA are other potentially harmful substances that can get into food. To reduce your exposure, replace plastic food storage containers with glass or stainless steel vessels and choose cookware made from other materials.

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire —

You may be trying to include healthy foods on your shopping list, but have you ever thought about the potentially harmful substances that may be found in your cookware?

Consumer Reports looks into the serious issues with some of the ingredients and explains what you should cook with instead.

Rebeca Nieves Hoffman said she was using a traditional aluminum pot called a caldero to cook her favorite Puerto Rican dishes.

“Some of the Calderos in our family have experienced war,” she said.

Huffman said she stopped using Caldero after her mother was diagnosed with dementia.

>> To stay up to date on the go, download the free WMUR app: Apple | Google Play

“I got really immersed in studying toxins and how different types of toxins get into our food,” she said.

While there's no strong evidence linking aluminum to an increased risk of dementia, Consumer Reports says there are reasons to be concerned about Teflon-coated nonstick coatings when it comes to toxins found in cookware.

“Teflon is a brand name for PTFE,” says Lauren Friedman of Consumer Reports. “Teflon is made from PFAS chemicals, also known as forever chemicals, because they break down very slowly in the environment. These chemicals can build up in the body and lead to serious health problems, including cancer and reproductive harm.”

Uncoated cookware made from stainless steel, carbon steel, or cast iron are good alternatives to Teflon, but they won't completely prevent food from sticking. Ceramic-coated cookware is also a great option; it's less likely to cause food to stick, and the coating is less likely to contain harmful chemicals.

In Consumer Reports' test of nonstick pans, the ceramic-coated Caraway and GreenPan took top honors. In CR's test of cast-iron pans, the Tramontina and Staub pans stood out.

Whatever type of cookware you choose, make sure it is clearly labeled as free of PFAS or PTFE, and don’t ignore the use and care instructions that come with it.

“Use software and avoid stacking,” Friedman says.

Huffman said she still keeps Caldero close to her.

“I have a special place in my kitchen, like a glass cabinet, that commemorates Caldero in our family,” she said.

Microplastics and plastic chemicals like BPA are also potentially harmful substances that can get into your food. To reduce your exposure, replace plastic food storage containers with glass or stainless steel containers and choose tableware made from other materials.




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