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Emerging technologies will determine global superpowers

Emerging technologies will determine global superpowers


New report suggests path to unlock innovation and partnerships to harness technology as a global superpower.

National security experts say the new world of geopolitics resembles a race for technology over strategic power.

Whoever is first on these technologies will ultimately set the rules, making the country and its allies and partners stronger, Yuri Bajraktari, CEO of the think tank Project on Special Competitive Studies, told a meeting of the Defense Writers Group last week.

Bajraktari said emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence have brought global powers to a crossroads and the global order will depend on countries best leveraging their own innovative capabilities while at the same time building strong alliances with like-minded partners.

“We are seeing two things happening at the same time: a geopolitical environment that is changing every day and a set of technologies that are opening up a new era with their transformative power,” he said. “This is no longer just about nations competing in the military or economic sphere. Nations are now actively competing every day in this area of ​​innovation power. We are thinking from the perspective that if we want to set the standards and the rules and dominate the future, we need to get innovation power right.”

Bajraktari proposed the solutions in the organization's latest report, outlining a vision for the next five years to counter threats from the axis of turmoil consisting of North Korea, Iran, Russia and China.

The report proposes an implementation plan for 2025-2030 and recommends mobilizing the free world technology community to innovate. This means doubling the nation's capacity to invent, adopt, and adapt new and emerging technologies, particularly in the areas of artificial general intelligence, biotechnology, computing, energy, advanced manufacturing, and advanced networks.

Specifically, it cites a Comprehensive Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) architecture, strong alliances and public-private partnerships, and a mobilized and highly educated workforce as ways to expand competitive advantage.

The thinking is in line with the Defense Department's software modernization strategy, which aims to acquire and field technology more quickly, and which includes calls for greater use of open source software and commercial, off-the-shelf tools to bolster the software factory.

Within the software factory, successful programs have seen a hybrid approach, with government and us working together. [Defense Industrial Base] “Partners will work together on a sprint-by-sprint, day-by-day, hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute approach,” Rob Vietmeyer, the Defense Department's chief software officer, said at the Defense IT Summit in Arlington, Virginia, in February.

“As we look across the Indo-Pacific, what's happened over the last three-plus years is an emerging network of alliances and partnerships, and I think the common language in all of them is the technology conversation,” Bajraktari told reporters. “In all of these conversations, there's a recognition that we need to get technology sharing and technology-building interoperability right, because that's going to be fundamental to dominating the battlefield of the future.”




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