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Miami's first AI hackathon sparks spirit of innovation, winners announced

Miami's first AI hackathon sparks spirit of innovation, winners announced


Anayancy Hernandez

Engineers, developers, designers and more came together to solve real-world problems in 48 hours. That's what happened at Miami's first AI-focused hackathon, HackinMiamis. The two-day event took place on June 15th and 16th at The Hub @ Office Logic, showcasing and empowering Miami's local tech talent.

“Everyone complains about the lack of engineers and builders at the event. If you want to create a lasting ecosystem, you need to get coders involved, and this is the first proof of concept for that,” said Ayal Stern, a member of the HackinMiamis steering committee.

The event partnered with Florida International University, University of Miami, Miami Dade College, and the programmer community to recruit talent for the hackathon, and sponsors including Google, JP Morgan, Delta, Digital Era, and The Hub @ Office Logic offered generous rewards for the winners.

So, what happened?

During the fireside chat, Aditi Joshi from Google Cloud AI/Core ML took to the stage to talk about how to leverage AI tools to build the next billion-dollar company. “Some of you have billion-dollar ideas,” she said. Joshi shared her belief that product managers will never be replaced by AI because humans crave human connection and interaction, and AI cannot create that experience.

Renato Lopez, co-founder and CEO of Very Big Things, also shared his thoughts on the topic: “We see AI as the next step in automation, not as a replacement for humans. During the fireside chat, Lopez shared a case study on how his company is using generative AI to unify its brand, speed up workflows, and optimize employee productivity.”

Non-stop Hacking

Over two days, more than 17 groups of hackers worked tirelessly to code solutions, each tackling problems in industries including education, health, sustainability and finance.

Notable ideas included “Old McDonald,” an app that enables urban farming in apartments, and “Headcount,” an innovative elevator safety app designed to tackle congestion using real-time video analytics and AI.

“Hackathons are always a good opportunity to try new things. I had a lot of fun learning about Google Cloud Platform and deploying a project with it for the first time,” said Juan Zamudio, a member of Old McDonald's.

Prizes, prizes and more prizes!

Prizes were plentiful at the event. The overall winner of the HackinMiami AI Hackathon was KiddoQuiz, a customizable platform for creating age-appropriate, gamified, customized assessments that students can access on their own devices. [pictured at the top of this post with the hackathon’s steering committee members and volunteers] We won $3,600 in Delta flight credits, $2,000 in Google Cloud credits for being runner-up in the Google Cloud Best Project award, and one year of free hot desk access to The Hub @ Office Logic.

Runner-up in the TongueSten hackathon [pictured below]is a fitness tracking app that helps veteran gym-goers monitor and personalize their gym experience. The app offers workout recommendations and can suggest specific exercises and sets. TongueSten won $1,400 in Delta flight credits and six months of free hot desking access at Office Logic's The Hub.

Headcount won the Google Cloud Best Project award and received $5,000 in Google Cloud credits.

More to come

The hackathon may be over, but the spirit of innovation continues. The steering committee hopes to hold more hackathons on a quarterly basis. Google has always had a presence in Miami, and the aim was to get closer to the community. We're excited to host these events and continue to serve the community, said Pipe Martina, customer engineer at Google Cloud.


I'm a University of Florida graduate and Miami native who is passionate about writing articles showcasing Miami's vibrant tech ecosystem. I especially love writing articles about social impact technology, digital assets, and EdTech. Have an article you'd like to share? Follow me on Twitter @anathemarketer or [email protected]. Latest posts by Anayansy Hernandez (View all)




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