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FIME 2024 in Miami will see UK healthtech innovation take centre stage at the ABHI UK Pavilion

FIME 2024 in Miami will see UK healthtech innovation take centre stage at the ABHI UK Pavilion


Six UK healthtech innovators will be among a delegation of UK businesses joining the Association of the British Healthtech Industry (ABHI) when it presents the UK Pavilion at the Florida International Medical Expo (FIME) in Miami.

Recognised as the largest healthcare trade show in the Americas, the ABHI UK Pavilion will be exhibiting for the first time at FIME, bringing together leading industry companies to showcase the strengths of UK HealthTech.

Over the three days, the pavilion will feature exciting new product launches and demonstrations, offering visitors an insight into the UK's latest innovations in medical devices, diagnostics and digital health technologies, highlighting how innovation and technology can improve efficiencies, tackle new challenges and create more accessible and successful healthcare systems in the Americas and beyond.

This year's exhibitor list includes:

Biotronics 3D Limited: Presenting its next-generation imaging platform, a cloud-native, cross-technology integrated solution for distributed imaging workflows.

GBUK Group: will showcase easy-to-use patient transport products designed to reduce the risk of injury to patients and healthcare workers, as well as its comprehensive ENFit enteral feeding product range.

Haigh Engineering: Introducing Panaway, an innovative waste disposal solution aimed at minimising the risk of infection in drain rooms.

Huntleigh Healthcare: A proud part of the Arjo family, Huntleigh will showcase solutions that improve clinical excellence and performance in vascular assessment and treatment, and fetal and patient monitoring.

Surtex Instruments: Introducing the innovative INFINEX surgical instrument series designed to improve precision and performance in cardiovascular, neurological, microsurgical and plastic surgery procedures.

Timesco Healthcare: Introducing the revolutionary new Optima View video laryngoscope, which aids in intubation of difficult airway patients.

Michelle Michelucci, head of international events at ABHI, said: “With its diverse and dynamic healthcare environment, the Americas presents fantastic opportunities for UK healthtech companies looking to expand globally. We're thrilled to be attending FIME for the first time with a fantastic delegation of UK innovators and look forward to supporting them as they explore opportunities for innovation, collaboration and growth in this fast-growing market.”

The Florida International Medical Expo (FIME) is one of the most important gatherings of healthtech companies and healthcare professionals in the Americas, attracting over 13,000 attendees and providing an excellent forum to network and showcase products and services with regional and international industry leaders and buyers.

As the exclusive UK distributor for Informa Markets' Healthcare portfolio, ABHI is pleased to be hosting the UK Pavilion at FIME 2024. As part of the enhanced offering, companies exhibiting at the Pavilion are invited to join the Miami leg of ABHI's US Accelerator Programme, which will visit Florida throughout the week of 17th June 2024.

Throughout the exhibition, the ABHI UK Pavilion will provide unrivalled visibility for participating UK companies, highlighting how UK innovation is transforming the lives of patients and clinicians around the world.

FIME 2024 will take place from June 19th to 21st at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida, USA.




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