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Defense of Innovation Continues as Maxeon Solar Technologies Files Unitary Patent Infringement Action Against Aiko and Partners

Defense of Innovation Continues as Maxeon Solar Technologies Files Unitary Patent Infringement Action Against Aiko and Partners


Maxeon has also appealed a recent preliminary ruling by a Dutch court in a patent case against Aiko.

SINGAPORE, June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ:MAXN), a global solar innovation and channel leader, today announced that it has filed a patent infringement lawsuit at the District Court of First Instance of the Unified Patent Court (“UPC”) Düsseldorf against Aiko Energy Germany GmbH, Solarlab Aiko Europe GmbH, Aiko Energy Netherlands BV, and several of Aiko's European partners, including Memodo, Libra, VDH, PowerDeal and Coenergia, for infringing Maxeon's patents relating to solar cell technology. The UPC is a common patent court of many Member States of the European Union.

Additionally, Maxeon has appealed a preliminary injunction decision issued in the Netherlands on May 16, 2024 in connection with an ongoing patent dispute with Aiko regarding another of the company's European patents. Maxeon continues to believe strongly in the strength, validity and enforceability of its patent portfolio and the infringement claims it has brought against Aiko Energy Netherlands BV (formerly Eironn Netherlands BV), VDH and Libra.

“As part of our rigorous defense of Maxeon's intellectual property, we announced today that we are appealing the Dutch decision regarding the enforcement of European Patent No. EP 2 297 788 B1 and filing a new lawsuit at the UPC to enforce our recently granted European Patent No. EP 3 065 184 B1,” said Mark Robinson, Deputy General Counsel at Maxeon. “In the UPC, Maxeon is seeking injunctions against Aiko and its distributors Memodo, Libra, VDH, PowerDeal and Coenergia in each member state, including the key European solar markets of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Maxeon holds a deep patent portfolio and will continue to take aggressive action to stop infringement.”

About Maxeon Solar Technologies Maxeon Solar Technologies (NASDAQ: MAXN) is driving positive change. Headquartered in Singapore, Maxeon leverages more than 35 years of solar energy leadership and more than 1,900 patents to design innovative, sustainable solar panels and energy solutions for residential, commercial and power plant customers. Maxeon's integrated home energy management is a flexible ecosystem of products and services built around award-winning Maxeon and SunPower branded solar panels. With a network of more than 1,700 trusted partners and dealers and more than one million customers worldwide, the company is a global leader in solar power.

Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including, but not limited to, statements regarding our future plans and areas of focus, our positioning and business plans for future success, and our positioning for enforcement of our patent rights. These forward-looking statements are based on our current assumptions, expectations and beliefs and involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. A detailed description of these factors and other risks affecting our business is contained in documents filed by us from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including our most recent report on Form 20-F (particularly under the heading “Item 3.D. Risk Factors”). Copies of these filings are available from the SEC online or under the Financial and Filings section of our Investor Relations website at All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information currently available to the Company, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events.

2024 Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. MAXEON is a registered trademark of Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. For more information, see

SOURCE Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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