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Senator Wiener's Landmark AI Safety and Innovation Bill Passes Congressional Privacy Committee

Senator Wiener's Landmark AI Safety and Innovation Bill Passes Congressional Privacy Committee


SACRAMENTO – The Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee passed SB 1047, from Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). The bill aims to ensure the safe development of large-scale artificial intelligence systems by establishing clear, predictable, and commonsense safety standards for developers of the largest and most powerful AI systems. The bill passed 8-0 and now heads to the Judiciary Committee.

Parliament’s Privacy Committee will introduce new amendments that will strengthen the bill while giving businesses more flexibility in the following ways:

Allows companies more flexibility in how they meet their responsible development obligations, while still holding them accountable when irresponsible behavior leads to catastrophic damage Allows state agencies to change the model calculation threshold starting in 2027, rather than locking in the 10^26 flops set forth in the bill Can't change the requirement that models spend at least $100 million to train Requires companies to undergo third-party safety audits by 2028 Strengthens whistleblower protections.

AI technology continues to advance rapidly and has the potential to bring enormous benefits to humanity. We can support that innovation without compromising safety. SB 1047 aims to do just that, said Senator Wiener. By taking a light regulatory approach that focuses only on the largest companies building the most capable models, SB 1047 puts sensible guardrails against risk while allowing startups to innovate freely without new burdens. We understand this bill is in the works and are actively meeting with stakeholders to solicit constructive feedback. We accept the amendments the Committee put forward today and look forward to continued discussions to improve the bill as it moves forward.

Experts on the front lines of AI have expressed concern that if proper precautions are not taken, it could have serious consequences, including risks to critical infrastructure, cyber attacks, and the development of new biological weapons. In a recent survey, 70% of AI researchers believe safety should be a higher priority in AI research, while 73% expressed quite or extremely concern that AI could fall into the hands of dangerous groups.

SB 1047 is supported by two of the most cited AI researchers of all time, Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, known as the Godfathers of AI. Speaking about SB 1047, Professor Hinton said: “Forty years ago, when we were training the first versions of the AI ​​algorithms behind tools like ChatGPT, no one, including me, expected AI to get so far. Powerful AI systems offer incredible potential, but they also have very real risks that must be taken very seriously.”

SB 1047 takes a very smart approach to balancing these concerns. I remain passionate about the potential of AI to save lives through scientific and medical advances, but it is important that we enact effective laws to address the risks. California is a great place to start because it is where this technology is seeing rapid adoption.

In line with President Biden's Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence and voluntary company efforts, several cutting-edge AI developers in California are making great strides in pioneering secure development practices by implementing required measures, including cybersecurity protections and safety assessments of AI system capabilities.

Last September, Governor Newsom issued an executive order directing state agencies to begin preparing for AI and assess its impact on vulnerable communities, and in November his administration released a report examining AI's most beneficial uses and potential harms.

SB 1047 balances AI innovation and safety by:

Set clear standards for developers of AI models that are significantly more powerful than any AI that exists today, with computing power beyond 1026 floating-point operations and costing more than $100 million to train Require basic precautions for developers of such large-scale cutting-edge AI models, such as pre-deployment safety testing, red teaming, cybersecurity, safeguards to prevent the misuse of dangerous features, and post-deployment oversight Establish whistleblower protections for employees of cutting-edge AI labs Require transparent pricing and prohibit price discrimination to protect consumers and ensure startup developers have a level opportunity to compete and innovate Authorize the California Attorney General to take legal action if developers of extremely powerful AI models cause serious harm to California residents or if the developer's negligence poses an imminent threat to public safety Establish a new public cloud computer cluster, CalCompute, to allow startups, researchers, and community groups to participate in the development of large-scale AI systems and align their benefits with the values ​​and needs of California communities Establish an advisory committee to support safe, secure, open source AI.

SB 1047 was co-authored by Senator Ross (D-Riverside) and Senator Stern (D-Los Angeles) and is sponsored by the Center for AI Safety Action Fund, Economic Security Action California, and Encode Justice.

“With most of the world's top AI companies based in California, it makes sense for the state to lead the way in policy that balances AI safety with innovation and competition,” said Nathan Calvin, senior policy advisor at the Center for AI Safety. AI will power significant advances that improve our quality of life, but the industry's potential is hindered by a lack of public trust. The commonsense safety standards for AI developers set forth in this bill will help ensure society has the best that AI has to offer while mitigating the risks of AI causing catastrophic harm.”

We need human-centered AI that is built, designed, and governed to benefit society. This bill will protect Californians and future generations from the risks of large-scale AI systems by improving collaboration between government, industry, and the community on AI safety, said Sneha Revanur, president and founder of Encode Justice. Responsible and appropriate guardrails remain a critical starting point to ensure this technology enhances, rather than threatens, human potential.

“SB 1047's continued progress brings us closer to a future where the greatest advances in AI are for the public good, not just the profits and interests of a few powerful tech companies,” said California Economic Security Commissioner Teri Aullés. “It's gratifying to see California's leaders continue to move forward on commonsense, preventative safeguards for AI, rather than waiting until a catastrophe to act or succumbing to fierce resistance from tech's largest companies trying to avoid responsibility.”





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