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Adobe says it won't use artists' work to train its AI, but creators aren't convinced

Adobe says it won't use artists' work to train its AI, but creators aren't convinced


When users first learned of Adobe's new terms of service (which were quietly updated in February), there was uproar: Adobe told users that it could access content through both automated and manual means and use techniques like machine learning to improve the quality of that content. [Adobes] Services and Software. Many understood the update as the company forcing users to grant unlimited access to their work for the purposes of training Adobe's generative AI, known as Firefly.

Adobe issued an updated version of its terms of service late Tuesday stating that it promises not to train its AI on user content stored locally or in the cloud and gives users the option to opt out of content analysis.

The vague language in the changes, which come amid an intellectual property lawsuit, highlights how many artists have become overly reliant on Adobe for their work. “Adobe has already betrayed our trust,” said Riot Games senior storyboard artist Jon Lamm, referring to the case of award-winning artist Brian Kessinger, who discovered images generated in the style of his work being sold under his name on Adobe's stock image site without his consent. Earlier this month, the estate of the late photographer Ansel Adams publicly accused the company of selling AI-generated knockoffs of his work.

Adobe's Chief Strategy Officer Scott Belsky tried to ease the concerns of artists when they started protesting, explaining that machine learning refers to the company's non-generative AI tools. Photoshop's Content-Aware Fill tool, which allows users to seamlessly remove objects in an image, is one of many tools that are powered by machine learning. However, while Adobe claims that the updated terms do not give the company any ownership rights to content and will never use users' content to train Firefly, this misunderstanding has sparked a major debate about the company's market monopoly and how such changes could threaten artists' livelihoods at any time. Lam is one of the artists who still believes that despite Adobe's explanation, the company will use works created on its platform to train Firefly without the creators' consent.

Concerns over the unauthorized use and monetization of copyrighted works by generative AI models are not new. Early last year, artist Carla Ortiz found that various generative AI models allowed images of her work to be prompted with her name, a violation that led to a class-action lawsuit against Midjourney, DeviantArt, and Stability AI. Ortiz was not alone. Polish fantasy artist Greg Rutkowski found his own name to be one of the most used prompts in Stability Diffusion when the tool first launched in 2022.

Adobe, owner of Photoshop and creator of PDF, has reigned as the industry standard for over 30 years, powering much of the creative class, and its attempt to acquire product design company Figma was blocked and abandoned in 2023 due to antitrust concerns that attest to its size.




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