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Nintendo announces new surprise: new game where you can finally play as Princess Zelda

Nintendo announces new surprise: new game where you can finally play as Princess Zelda


Nintendo has delivered another surprise to fans: a new Zelda title that will finally let gamers play as the famous princess from the legendary fantasy series.

The newly revealed Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will be coming to Nintendo Switch on September 26, 2024. (via The Associated Press, courtesy of Business Wire) The newly revealed Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will be coming to Nintendo Switch on September 26, 2024. (via The Associated Press, courtesy of Business Wire)

(CNN) Nintendo has revealed another surprise for fans: a new Zelda game that will finally let gamers play as the famous princess from the legendary fantasy series.

Nintendo has sold more than 140 million copies of Zelda since it was first released in 1986, making it one of the most successful franchises in gaming history, delighting generations of fans across multiple consoles.

According to a statement from Nintendo, the new game, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, is set to release for the Switch console on September 26th.

The game's many iterations typically revolve around the heroic elf Link, who spends most of his adventures rescuing Princess Zelda, who has been kidnapped or mysteriously disappeared.

However, this latest film will feature a woman in the lead role.

This time, Link has disappeared, and Princess Zelda will take over the role of protagonist, Eiji Aonuma, producer of the Zelda series, said in a video released by Nintendo.

Based on gameplay footage released by Nintendo, Echoes of Wisdom appears to be similar in style and content to 2019's Links Awakening, a top-down puzzle-based platformer with a cute, cartoony design that's a reboot of the 1993 Game Boy classic.

Zelda teams up with Tori, a mysterious fairy, and uses her magical powers to create echoes, which Nintendo describes as mimicking things in the environment.

Nintendo said in the announcement that players will be able to recreate those echoes whenever they solve a puzzle or defeat an enemy.

According to the company, you can use the echoes of water blocks to reach new heights, create bridges from old beds, throw stones at enemies, or just find your own creative combinations of echoes to do things your way.

The Zelda series has long been praised for its fun puzzle-solving and innovative gameplay that encourages players to take their time exploring and approach problems in different ways.

Open-world games have become a big feature of recent titles, with 2017's Breath of the Wild being one of Nintendo's most successful and critically acclaimed titles.

That game's sequel, last year's Tears of the Kingdom, sold 10 million copies in just three days.

The release of a new Zelda game is the second surprise announcement from Nintendo in recent weeks.

In early May, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa said the company plans to release a successor to its popular Switch gaming console by March 2025.

The announcement came as welcome news to fans who have been hoping for years for a possible successor to the seven-year-old Switch.

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