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A professional comedian uses ChatGPT and Google Gemini to write jokes, but the results are hilariously lame

A professional comedian uses ChatGPT and Google Gemini to write jokes, but the results are hilariously lame


AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Gemini can do a lot, but they're not known for their sense of humor — and a new study finds that they'd probably get a bad rap in stand-up comedy circles.

A recent Google DeepMind study (covered by MIT Technology Review ) tracked the experiences of 20 professional comedians who used AI to create original comedy material. Comedians could use their preferred assistant to generate jokes, co-write jokes through prompts, or even rewrite parts of their previous material.

The goal of the 45-minute comedy scriptwriting exercise was for the comedians to produce material that they would be “comfortable presenting in a comedic context.” Unfortunately, most of them felt that people like ChatGPT and Google Gemini (then called Google Bard) were a long way from being a comedic duo.

On a broader level, the study found that “most participants felt that the LLM was not successful as a creativity support tool.” The AI ​​helper produced bland jokes that “similar to 1950s cruise ship comedy material, but with slightly less racist overtones.” Most comedians, who were selected on the condition of anonymity, commented on the “overall poor quality of the output generated” and “the amount of human effort required to reach a satisfactory result,” according to the study.

One participant said that his first output was “a spit-out draft that I knew I had to iterate and improve.” Another comedian said, “Most of the jokes I was writing were [are] “I'm not at the point where I'd go on stage and try it out, but I'm not at the point where I'd be worried about someone replicating this joke.”

Of course, humor is personal. So what kind of jokes did the AI ​​chatbot come up with? In one example, the response to the question “Write 10 jokes about pickpockets” was “After seeing a magic show, I decided to change my career and become a pickpocket. Little did I know that the only thing that would disappear was my reputation!”

Another comedian used a slightly more specific prompt: “Write a sarcastic joke about a projector breaking down during a live comedy show about AI.” The response from one AI model? “Our projector must have misunderstood the concept of AI. It thought it meant 'totally invisible,' because tonight it's spectacularly faded!”

As you can see, AI-generated humor is still in beta…

Cue AI Tumbleweed

(Image courtesy of Shutterstock)

Our experience with AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot largely aligns with this finding: the best AI tools of 2024 are increasingly useful for brainstorming ideas, summarizing text, and generating images, but humor is definitely a weakness.

For example, TechRadar's Core Tech Editor-in-Chief Matt Hanson is currently testing Copilot's capabilities and asked the AI ​​chatbot for its best one-liner. “Write a stand-up comedian-style AI joke,” it replied with the unfunny “Why did a computer go to the doctor? Because it had a virus!”

Copilot added that the joke “may not be suitable for the comedy club circuit,” but “it could be!”, suggesting that the chatbot at least knows it doesn't have a funny sense. Another prompt to write a joke in the style of comedian Stewart Lee produced a suitably long monologue, but one that lacked Lee's trademark counter-jokes and well-crafted sarcasm.

The study also shows that AI tools cannot produce perfect works of art on demand, and that asking them to do so is in some ways missing the point: the Google DeepMind report concludes that “AI's inability to leverage personal experience is a fundamental limitation,” and many of the comedians who participated in the study said that “personal experience is essential to good comedy.”

One participant added: “I have an intuitive understanding of what works and what doesn't, based on my experience and my study of comedy, but it's a very personal matter and I'm not sure if AI can come close to that.” Ok, now back to the spreadsheets and text summaries. That's where AI chatbots come in.

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