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Promoting agricultural innovation for sustainable agriculture

Promoting agricultural innovation for sustainable agriculture


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Krishi Mangal, a scale-up accelerator backed by Cisco India CSR and powered by Social Alpha, has made significant progress in supporting agri-tech startups. In its second edition, the program provided comprehensive support to seven profitable startups focused on soil testing, water and crop management, and related services. The initiative highlights the successful adoption of technologies that empower farmers and increase agricultural productivity.

Impact of accelerator programs

Launched in 2021, the Krishi Mangal Accelerator Program has supported 12 startups so far. By providing access to technology, the program has enabled over 40,000 small and marginal farmers to improve their income and create over 1,000 jobs in the local economy. The program combines Social Alpha's innovation curation approach with Cisco's technical expertise to provide startups with grants, pilot opportunities, go-to-market assistance, funding guidance, technology refinement, and expert mentorship.

2nd Edition Success Stories Proximal Soil Sensor

Proximal Soilsens developed the NutriSens soil testing system, known for its accuracy and user-friendly interface. With the support of Krishi Mangals, Soilsens expanded its operations in Maharashtra by building B2B channel partners and expanding its local reach through a micro-entrepreneurship model.

Niyo Farm Tech

Niyo Farm Tech focuses on small, easy-to-use sprayers to reduce farmers' heavy labor and improve yields. Over the past 12 months, the company has been exploring different sales channels, including the dealer model, on-site demonstrations and digital marketing, to optimize and expand its sales activities.

Urdhvam Environmental Technology

Urdhvam Environmental Technologies has developed Borecharger, a patented borewell filling technology to regenerate borewells. The accelerator program helped the company build a new market, offering Borecharger as a service to farmers in Maharashtra and supporting them in improving their technology.

Daraksha Eco Solutions

Dharaksha Ecosolutions has innovated a biotechnology process that converts crop stubble waste into biodegradable packaging material. With the program's support, Dharaksha designed and commissioned an automated machine, reducing manual labor and increasing production capacity tenfold.

Animeta Agritech

Animeta Agritech offers a digitised animal healthcare platform with chatbots to diagnose diseases and a connected platform for ethno-veterinary products. In the last one year, Animeta has expanded its reach by setting up 10 clusters in Tamil Nadu and has seen a significant increase in its revenue.

MibiPro Products Private Limited

Mivipro Products has developed Herboliv+, a bio-liquid of plant extracts that masks the smell of crops and repels wild animals. The program has helped Mivipro expand its customer reach by setting up a cluster in Uttar Pradesh and building B2B channels in three more states.

Capsbar Global Agro

Capsber Global Agro improves crop yields and food security, reduces carbon footprint and mitigates soil erosion through microbiome-based solutions. With the accelerator's support, Capsber has adapted its product and set up six clusters in Karnataka.

Voices of Leadership

Harish Krishnan, Managing Director and Chief Policy Officer, Cisco India, emphasised the importance of improving farm productivity for the growth of the nation. He said Krishi Mangal embodies Cisco's commitment to empower small and marginal farmers with technology and innovation. Manoj Kumar, Founder, Social Alpha, highlighted the severe impact of climate change on smallholder farmers and the need for innovation in climate adaptation to build resilience for these vulnerable communities.

Krishi Mangal continues to drive innovation in agriculture and support startups that are revolutionizing agricultural practices. By fostering innovation and providing comprehensive support, the accelerator programme aims to build climate-resilient agricultural practices, significantly improve the livelihoods of marginal farmers and increase agricultural productivity.




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